Scaramouche is a 5* Anemo Catalyst character in update 3.3 of genshin Impact. In this video I go over a guide for the best Scaramouche3 supports and also talk about several team comps that will work great with the Wanderer Scaramouche. This is the best Scaramouche supports and team build guide for Genshin Impact. #scaramouche #genshinimpact #hoyoverse
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Is Scaramouche Raiden Layla Bennett a good team ?
HOLY SHT i found A Genshin YouTuber that does not use a robot voice! WHAT DA!
So excited!
The way they nerfed Faruzan is pissing me of. Now I really need to keep Bennett in the team.
Why nobody is talking about Candace? She’s a good support for Wanderer too since she can buff Wanderer’s normal attack. She doesn’t have limited quotes for NA buff unlike Yunjin. She can be a better hydro applicant compared to her C0 at C6.
no ZH build bros….
The fact that he still needs bennett to actually do well is a negetive point for me . Cuz i have 4 teams that all of them need benny
i eant to pull him. but defending on his playsyle. if he's hard to play on phone. then imma skip him. i pull ganyu and i regret it. as her CA hard to do on small phone screen.
What? Emo dps?
Can you guys check out my team comp for him ?
Wanderer , Faruzen, Zhongli, C1 Bennet or C2 XL or C2 XQ or C6 beidou
do you think that faruzan, xingqiu, diona (c6 so she adds 200 em) and scara would make a good team?
i was thinking scaramouche yunjin xingqiu diona /rosaria
anem hyperbloom is pretty interesting to try imo. traveler fischl xingqiu wanderer full EM
For the algorithm
Out of all these teams which one works best for quests, Domains also just adventure? Also any builds for the characters?
currently planning for wanderer, yelan/zhong/yunjin/XQ, faruzan, and bennett team! (second character will change depending on what i need the, for). i’m super excited.
Finally someone from anemo who can fit with double geo double anemo team thanks to yunjin+zhongli+ memory of the dust
Mine is going to be scara xinqiu faruzan bennett
In moments like this, sucks to not have bennett…
C4 Yunjin is another game changing for her
would wanderer + faruzan + yun jin + bennett or wanderer + faruzan + layla + bennett be better?
I'm so worried about you.. like your uid is seen..
Does Ayato’s Q help boost Scara damage? I just thought he might be a good support or sub DPS, but I could be wrong.