BEST Constellations For Each 4 Star Character In Genshin Impact! pt.1

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45 thoughts on “BEST Constellations For Each 4 Star Character In Genshin Impact! pt.1”

  1. C1 Beidou's shield is not that worth mentioning and scales with HP, so it surely won't last 15 sec if you take damages. Just treat that shield as an intrruption resistance for a while if you play character like Neuvillete, Clorinde etc

    On the other hand, C2 Beidou makes her burst dmg jumps more which is boost her dps, but the cons is it won't be triggered if you just fighting 1 enemy.

    Beidou is really good off-field electro dps but she can be replaced by another Character

  2. Beidou's best constellation is actually her c2 and it's not even close. KQM's guide calculates that it's a 38-47% dmg increase depending on the amount of enemies being fought

  3. My man, people tend to say that no one plays Noelle. But as a Noelle main I can confirm there is huge group of people who still play her. And same can be said with every single character including Aloy 😀 So yes, someone DEFINITELY does care 😀 Maybe not high in numbers, but they do 😀


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