Before and After Fontaine Update | Genshin Impact Animation

I like swimming now 🙂

Liyue –
Rondeau des fleurs et des rapieres – Fontaine Battle Music OST –


45 thoughts on “Before and After Fontaine Update | Genshin Impact Animation”

  1. Excellent animation, so basically focalors gave us the opportunity to be aquaman in her region, wonder if the other archons should have gaven us a similar skill (in mondstad being able to fly faster or not consuming stamina) or it was valid that in inazuma there were "portals" that turned us into energy and fly faster or summeru orbs that allowed us to hang like spiderman? (sorry for my bad english)

  2. Ah… one day in the near future we can swim outside Fontaine.

    Except instead of “similar” shallow water biome of subnautica. It’s any other horrifying biome that we encounter in subnautica.

    “Detecting Osail multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"

    xCue PTSDx

  3. Is just in Fontaine, but is unlimited. You can fall in the water after consume all your stamina flying or running, and you don't die (how many times we died in that stupid way in other regions?). The consumption of blue bar is not fatal too, just need wait and continue swimming at maximum speed.

  4. jumping on boats or transitioning from underwater exploration to land is always so satisfying now.

    Flashbacks to Kaeya bridge and character struggling to swim back in 1.0.. man.. it feels great now. Too bad not all characters can dolphin dive.


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