AYAKA DESTROYS THE ABYSS | C0 Freeze Ayaka Abyss 12 Showcase | Genshin Impact (2.0)


Freeze Ayaka is simply the popular Morgana team, but instead of having Ganyu as the main DPS, it is the newly released yet long awaited 5-star, Kamisato Ayaka.

The description will be mainly talking about the first half comp which consists of Ayaka, Mona, Venti and Diona, these characters are able to be replaced with other characters that are much more accessible such as Xingqiu for Mona or Sucrose for Venti, as they fulfill the exact same purpose as the latter.

Ayaka is an incredibly strong unit, although, in general, is considered less comp friendly than Ganyu, she is definitely fun in a lot of the comps and playstyles that she is able to do effectively! After waiting for the conclusions to be given in the respective discord mains of each character, I can come to a conclusion that although she may not be the ‘next ganyu’ she definitely is strong enough to stand among the top DPS of Genshin Impact right now.

If you are in need of a strong Cryo DPS character that is fun as well as a waifu, don’t hesitate and sell your soul to the devil today! 😃

My Discord: https://discord.gg/vJze8ts
Mathalos Nest: https://discord.gg/AFDe7yM
Hu Tao Mains: https://discord.gg/HuTaoMains
Childe Mains: https://discord.gg/YdbCN2sfgG
Wangsheng Funeral Parlor: https://discord.gg/HuTao

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/turdacious3
Twitter: https://twitter.com/turdacious3
Discrod: Thirdy#2082

Intro & Teams Used: (0:00)
Floor 12-1: (0:08)
Floor 12-2: (1:45)
Floor 12-3: (3:37)
Stats & Builds: (7:01)
Outro: (8:16)

#GenshinImpact #SpiralAbyss #Ayaka #Inazuma


39 thoughts on “AYAKA DESTROYS THE ABYSS | C0 Freeze Ayaka Abyss 12 Showcase | Genshin Impact (2.0)”

  1. I tried using Aquila on her with 4p BS set and although it had higher atk with 2.3k, i still prefer to use Black Sword with general dps 2p bs/2p glad with 2k atk.
    Something about equipping her with Aquila just felt so wrong just by looking at the phys dmg bonus from the sword itself, and i had to maintain freeze uptime to compensate with my already low 15.9% cr on her.

  2. I'm f2p and i already have ganyu, i dont have mona so perma freeze is hard with ganyu, should i pull ayaka for perma freeze team with xinqiu and leave ganyu for melt exclusively or should i skip? Or perhaps pull for yoimiya since i dont have a pyro main dps?

  3. Alright so. I’m kinda new, so I need an advise, if I build a team with Ayaka, Diono, Barbara (I don’t have Mona or any hydro sadly) and Kazuha. Will it work out? Like, I’m kinda not sure bc of 2 healers even tho Diona will work as a charge. (Don’t judge if it’s shid, just need an advise xd)

  4. Love this because it shows me that I really need to just play a bit better, I should be able to 36* given I have very similar gear for my characters. I don't have hutao but do have diluc or yanfei who should perform similarly.


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