Atsu Drama Returns: CHAOS In The Genshin Impact Community…

Asianguystreams otherwise known as Atsu is a prolific content creator in the Genshin Impact community, with him getting into drama with Tectone and Braxophone and ultimately seeing the worst end of it. But Atsu is back after months of being silent and has released a massive 34 Page Document discussing topics like Genshin Impact & Gacha Content Creators and his opinions on them, his personal life and mental wellbeing and also a ton more juicy detailsā€¦ This information is wild and it seems like Atsu is starting to annoy pretty much in the Gacha space at the momentā€¦

Hope you enjoy the video!


0:00 Atsu Situation
02:30 The Document
06:15 Calling Out Creators
10:05 So What Now?

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46 thoughts on “Atsu Drama Returns: CHAOS In The Genshin Impact Community…”

  1. Hi, Iā€™m Yukina.
    So, I do not know much about Atsu. I have watched only a few of his videos, and only a few videos of collaborations including him. But, Iā€™m still typing.
    Atsu has been through a lot from what we know. The document is him saying what has happened, answering the questions and itā€™s nice to say it make everything worse. Do not pretend to care when you donā€™t. Atsu, according to most of what Iā€™ve heard, has almost committed suicide, and as found out his wife has had an affair. From a perspective of someone who has gone through depression, Iā€™m going to support him. But if you do not wish to be on his side, say so. I do not advise that you pretend to care. I will know that if someone replies, it will be bad. But I do not care. Say all you want, Atsu is indeed trying his best to figure things out, and if people keep lying, things may turn out worse, like more attempted suicide. We donā€™t want that to happen, right?

    Thank you.

  2. the whole thing about the "hoyoverse blacklist" thing is honestly so stupid. idk how anyone could've believed that atsu had that sort of power. it's honestly common sense. anyone who believed it r either children or easily gullible people. atsu is merely a content creator, he isn't the king of all content creators in the genshin community. if atsu were to hate on someone to one of the managers, no one in the business would take it seriously. no one would risk their job over something personal.

  3. You people got baited by 1 PARAGRAPH out of the 34 pages of word vomit Atsu presented.

    Try reading the paper. Then tell me again he was actually the victim here. Atsu basically self admitted to talking to other ccs about hating Brax. "Suggesting" Tectone to reveal dms which exposed a traumatic past, which Tectone needed to reveal cause Atsu claimed he and Goose were talking bad about other ccs in dms. Then he was shit talking Brax and Tectone all through out the paper, only to say Brax was his friend and is Basically asking him to vouch for him on the allegations.

    People who are condeming this Vtuber for "urging the guy to "keep himself safe" did not read that paper.

  4. Atsu deserved everything that came to him because of everything he's done to other people. True Karmic justice.

    That said, I do hope that he looks at himself, improves and becomes a better person. Then, I wish him all the good of this world in return.

  5. as much as i do feel sorry for atsuā€™s state, he shouldā€™ve not just made a 34 paged document to shit on other content characters, especially if itā€™s to explain his situation? he didnā€™t have to mention his wife cheating either, because it really made no sense.

  6. I don't care what atsu has done, either minor or major, nobody should experience that or feel like that. Those people are literally out of there minds. So goddamn sensitive and insensitive at the same time. (Unless if he's lying about then I just hope things get resolved)

  7. I know you're blocked from his social media, but he did mention having attempted s*icide twice already, and I think the cheating from his wife only made it worse. Does that excuse the drama and back-and-forth documents? no. Do I think the CCs all have issues and need to grow up? Yes lol But I also feel like there's unnecessary hate towards Atsu specifically all the time, still.

  8. this is not summarizing the situation so that people don't have to read the doc themselves. you covered nothing substantial.
    to just "get this video out" when someone talks about taking his own life paints you as someone who does not care about a person's life or what he's going through despite how many times you try to say you feel sorry for him and you don't wish anyone to feel that way.
    he also clearly said this is for his own closure, so of course he will talk about how awful he has been feeling because of this situation. if you are at a breaking point, would you not want to talk about how things have been affecting you?

    what exactly did Atsu do to deserve these kinds of comments and this level of despair? did he molest or assault someone? did he ruin someone else's life? why was atsu's livelihood ruined?
    why did brax make the document unavailable to be viewed? maybe because there are some half-truths and some lies. atsu showed everything he could to make things clear. i can't even compare who is right or wrong, but atsu did not deserve this much suffering for what he supposedly did in this situation

  9. Atsu reaped what he sowed. He is a terrible human being. But he needs therapy. Not to kys.
    Atsu threw all his friends under the bus, spread so many more lies and fear mongering, blamed everything that happened to him on everyone else except himself… He IS degranged and NEEDS therapy before he does something to himself or others. It geniunely seems like his mental state is so bad he is going to harm EVERYONE that came across him. I do not sympathize with atsu, nor do I like him. He is a disgusting human being, but he NEEDS mental help ASAP so he doesnt hurt more people. Absolutely crazy dude.

  10. Just have to put it out thereā€”from a completely neutral standpoint, your video seems to heavily favor one side. Not good for a channel that seems to shorten and retell information

  11. You sound biased as fuck not gonna lie, you dismissed all of his documents as "making excuses and its too late", disregarding the DMs and other receipts he posted about Brax being a snake

    meanwhile Brax or Tectone never pulled up a single receipt and somehow we're supposed to be on their side

  12. nvm i saw your channel you like twisting things to farm drama

    maybe that's why youre so ashamed to show your face that youre hiding behind a vtuber model. Its easy to say vile things when your face is hidden

  13. Itā€™s really easy to kick a man when heā€™s down and ride on the hate. Youā€™ll never know the feeling until it happens to you.

    Iā€™m not in a position to speculate or comment since I donā€™t have all the facts, nor am I involved, but I sincerely hope they make peace with each other. For everyoneā€™s sake. Canā€™t pin the blame on just one person. This has been blown out of proportion by the court of public opinion and this video is just adding to that. Most the parties involved do agree that they should have resolved things in private. Welp.

  14. was pretty interested to see ur content but to see u be blatantly biased, in such an extreme way in ur presentation of information is pretty disgustingā€¦ hope you reassess your perspective and mentality and learn to be kinder to others; even those you are presenting videos on.

  15. Jesus, Atsu is mentally challenged.

    He said he doesn't want to go the "Tectone route" and throw everybody he knows under the bus.
    I'm not sure whether or not he said that before or after he posted his document but he sure as hell threw everyone under the bus right there lmao.

    EDIT: He also banned the word "proof" in his chat and after being called out for it he unbanned the word again.

  16. This whole drama only made me realize once more that this community is made of mindless sheeps.
    Everyone forget that it's Innocent until proven guilty, and it's the accuser that needs to provide the proofs.
    It's all backward, moreover all of the evidence is just hearsay.
    It's just people taking the words of their favorite CC as gospel.

  17. TLDR: Atsu already went down 4 months ago, so he decided he needed to take his friend Dish and Tuanto down with him as well.
    The beginning part with his divorce and sewer side attempts is just an appeal to emotion (typical manipulator tech)

  18. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but saying a man should kill themselves or encouraging that should feel ashamed for wanting that for a man

  19. I dont like atsu at all but yall ppl acting like atsu didnt deserve whats happening to him are just as pathetic as him. This man ruined relationships possible careers and made certain ppl almost take their lives, but now its a problem when atsu has all this happening to him. Those saying that its wrong to say "he deserves it" are wrong. Those who encourage Atsy offing himself are very much in the wrong too.

    But Atsu did this to himself and himself alone you cant blame Tectone Brax or anyone.

    Atsu created a kingdom with a weak foundation and is now watching it crumble before his very eyes. You reap what you sow

  20. Jeez why is does this video have so many dislikes. Are people really just reading the first part of the document and ignoring all the manipulation afterwards? Atsu is going through hard times, but that STILL doesn't mean he is allowed keep lying about the past, accusing other people for his own wrong doings, and brings up things from YEARS ago just to point the blame to someone else. If you dislike this video (or me defending Kazahana's takes) then you're taking this at WAY too much face value, aka, Atsu is the victim and ignoring the rest of the document (I wonder if you even seen the whole document if you hate my guts right now). And if people want to reply to me how I have bad takes, then tell me this first before replying. Why Did Astu Make This Document.


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