Are The NEW Weapons & Artifacts Any Good? (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re taking a look at the new weapons Virdict and Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword. As well as the new artifacts, Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods and Song of Days Past.

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0:00 Intro
0:13 Verdict
1:29 Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword (UOMMS)
2:30 Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods
3:25 Song of Days Past
5:40 Outro


22 thoughts on “Are The NEW Weapons & Artifacts Any Good? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I feel like many claymore users can benefit from Veridct’s passive if you pair them up with a character like Zhongli or Albedo… ngl, as a Diluc main, I’m kinda tempted, specially because he does a lot of his damage through his elemental skill

  2. I am looking forward to that cardboard sword. I really don't want to use my serpent spine on Navia since it is ugly on her so it is nice to have another option. I'm going to try out a normal attack Navia build with Furina and Yun Jin with Navia on the MH set. I might need to level up my Barbara though, since my c6 Charlotte may cause freeze too often. Basically, going to: Furina E, Q > Yun Jin Q > Barbara Q > Navia E, NAx4, E, NAx4, Q. If I did my math right, the Yun Jin buff should fall off on the 2nd-3rd NA of the second set of attacks for Navia. C2 Furina, so 100% uptime max fanfare just from the Barbara Q.

  3. I really don't like the new healing set, I feel like it's going to be like Yunjin's buff that affects only a certain amount of hits and then it's useless. Of course I might be wrong, but I think it's going to be better in quick swap teams

  4. Correction on how good golden troupe will be on navia; the 4pc will still be good on navia since the buff only goes away after 2s when taking the field, so it should still work. Navia’s new set is still better to use, though.

  5. Freminet also doesn't change his HP in his kit. Saying you're pretty sure Navia didn't have that and saying you're not totally sure is not convincing since we already know you have access to the media server.

  6. why should it come before attack multipliers? no its flat and honestly its not that bad.
    6000 * 2dmgincr * 3CV * 1.8vape * 1.15VV = 75000 every 6 or 7 seconds in a team with kazuha and hu tao. thats ~12k dmg every second.
    ofc it wont have 100% uptime and you will have to adapt your rotations to it but technically the dmg is not bad.

  7. It is as you say, Song of days past looks quite underwhelming as it is.
    Assuming you can consistently hit max stacks, (which shouldnt be too difficult), you're staring down a raw 6,000 extra damage.
    Fortunately, I do believe it behaves the same as Yunjin, Shenhe's and Echo's buff, where is simply adds flat damage to an attack, before damage modifiers. You can probably unload 5 hits in a couple seconds on a main DPS.
    From there, lets assume we have a Ganyu, with 250% CD, and 46% Cryo damage, on a 4pc Wanderers troupe, and she hits a reverse melt. Lets assume under these circumstances, that her frostflake arrow normally hits about 30k on a crit.
    After testing this in a calculator, after factoring in only basic things, this frostflake bloom would go from 30k~, to about 36k. Which, to its credit, doesnt seem bad. Until you consider the fact that this set has a minimum 6 second downtime to begin recording heal values, and your limited to this 5 unique hits. Assuming you get full value out of each and every single hit, you can expect to more or less deal an extra 30k~ over this 5 hits, on a 6‐8~ second CD. But realitically its will probably be a little bit less, and in AOE, you'll basically spend all 5 hits immediately. GRANTED, im not factoring in other things such as team members, Bennet Q, Furina buff, Mona Q, VV etc. So this hypothetical number could very well go up.

    Another problem is most healers do their healing over time, like Baizhu during his burst, Kuki e, Sayuu Q, Dori Qand Yao Yao, Barbara E. And MOST off-feild healing skills have a 12 second or longer duration. They'll wreak havoc on your rotations if you want your main DPS to take advantage of the artifact set.
    When you think about it, this set particularly benifits units with burst healing, more than sustained healing for the reason that heal time are very easy to control. Such as Charlotte.

    ANOTHER issue is, is this set is going to perform very poorly on reaction focused teams like hyperbloom, Nilou, Burgeon, taser etc. Because these teams usually dont have a main dps driving these reactions with traditional crit builds.

    Overall, Ocean Hued clam is just GOING to perform better 9 times out of 10. It has HALF the cooldown as this set, consistently deals around 25k damage to all enemies around you, doesn't fret about team rotations, and can be slotted into any team comp because it literally is JUST free damage. And the biggest flex is it can turn any on-field healer into a somewhat competent main DPS. The only limitation is how capable your own healers are are consistantly maxing the bubble.


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