Are "Redundant" Characters Good Or Bad For Genshin Impact?

With the recent discussion surrounding Keqing and Alhaitham’s almost blatantly obvious visual similarity, I wanted to make a video discussing the concept of redundant characters, and how that could pose both positive and negative implications for Genshin Impact.

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32 thoughts on “Are "Redundant" Characters Good Or Bad For Genshin Impact?”

  1. You (probably) didn’t pull for Al haitham because you thought he was just dendro keqinq.

    I didn’t pull for Al haitham because I was saving for Yelan and aqua simulacra banners.

    We are not the same.

  2. If you understand the power budget of an existing unit, then the redundant characters will be guaranteed still give of the the same experience that satisfy one specific player, while keeping power creep under control so it doesn’t tarnish team diversity.

  3. I've heard Baizhu is going to have skill like Layla and a burst like Yelan's. I'm okay with it because Dendro brings so much to the table. Look at Alhaitham, despite being called Dendro Keqing, he has more to offer than Keqing because of Dendro.

  4. 12:17 But never really getting you to care about it unless it means you'll be pushed to use the slot machiene again.
    12:26 no they are not, atleast not as much as you would think, Theres a terrible reason Amber is so much more boring than lets say Hu tao, thats intentionally made so you would hate her entirely and be driven to play someoneelse.
    People hate amber because she's bad at her job, not because she's a bad character though thats a point gor me as she doesn't really fit her description and looks more like a Beta version of Hutao that everyone forgot about.
    This is what occurs when you focus on what you want, not what the Players want, leading to things that mostly actually matter to be left behind for the same redudant basterzation of a "Game".

    Again Yakkocmn's video goes more in depth on this:
    He gives the game praise where it happens to do well and critizes it where it fails, and it fails alot.

  5. Ok, but the whole point of Sucrose is that she IS anemo…that is what makes her strong. VV makes all anemo units good, it's what makes Sucrose good.

    If you suddenly just switch her element, you lose on that 60% res shred and the AoE swirling damage…and the infusion her burst gets…you literally cannot make a "hydro Sucrose" without inherently losing the entirety of what Sucrose does so valuable…

  6. 13:22 I believe overall its bad, as entirely feels well redundant, it is way better to either Rework what didn't work before to be better, or create a cool new niche but the issue here is less who they pump out and more so their consistently focused on pumping out new stuff instead of focusing on the issues that already plauge the game.

    adding more things into it is the same thing Riot excutives are does little to nothing to change anything.
    redudant characters are too samey to be unique when they defintly could've been, instead of being replaced by someone else stronger, or just have little to no real play outside of their Purpose.
    Like the thumps up guy's entire purpose is to use his ultimate, thats it. no real gameplay put into him actually being used, just an ability that could be given to aither.

    The party system is worthless as I now realise as it doesn't justify its own existence as you could just aswell and would've been way more intersting is have Aither be able to switch between these abilities and playstyles. It doesn't really have a good reason to exist outside of giving you a reason to use the slot machiene again.: (watch the entire thing)

  7. Man I just love all the music choices for vars videos. Don't get me wrong love the videos as well we fun,and informational, but God the music that shows up oddly makes sense for whatever the video may be about. Side note road taken is a really good fates song though all of fates ost is amazing

  8. For me personally its a good thing

    I love Keqing fighting style but I absolutely hate her personality and uninteresting design
    But with Al-Haitham? Not only he has amazing lore, personality and design but also fun fighting style

  9. Alhaitham is nothing like Keqing except with his hold E. He is an on fielder with long field time and consistent dps, as opposed to Keqing who is basically a quickswap DPS. His burst has no similarities to Keqing other than visuals, because it's primary use is getting more mirrors rather than dealing damage and switching off. At this point there is practically nothing in common between the two except how their abilities look, which doesn't matter from a meta perspective.

  10. Coming from fighting games, the outrage over similar characters seemed silly to me. In Dragon Ball Fighterz, there are 6 whole Goku’s, and only two of them I would call significantly different from the rest. However, their individual contributions to a team are all different regardless of how strong they are. I’ve carried this mindset into Genshin, and so far, I’d say it holds up.

  11. I think cyno was a good example of a similar but not playstyle. He had that synchronizing attack on his burst which was unique and added a new level of interaction that I thought was nice. I have Al Haitham and love him but he definitely (to me) feels like a trickier-to-play Keqing. I do feel like MHY could have changed some animations to try and give more uniqueness to his gameplay.

  12. To me the actual discussion of Alhaithem being dendro Keqing is not on who deals more dmg but on how the look of most of their kit is almost the exact same, different from something like Yelan and Xingqiu that may be used on the same teams but their abilities are very different in visuals the one from the other. Its not if they fill the same niche or having similarities in use, but being the same at first sight.

  13. I think it'd be a great idea to give certain boosts to specific weapons or characters as long as it's not too restrictive. I feel it would definitely give more incentive to level most of your roster. Also a hydro Sucrose sounds nuts.


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