bro i have activated all 5 temples but i am not able to find the activation thing for the temples which were already present there (deshret and eternal garden teleport activation keys )
I really dont understand the lore behind all this following around a piece that seeming floats aimlessly for a few seconds then lets itself get picked up. Why not just… immediately instead? Dont have to be all fancy smancy like that for utterly no reason lmao
I did everything but u still dont know why it doesn’t show for me! Like all the side quest i found all the chess parts cut i cant start the quest also do i have to do the archon quest ?
To anyone who stuck after putting all five chests (the primal construct didn't spawn), you need to complete the full series of Falcon quests. After you get the 5th piece, you only complete the second part of the quest (that's why when you immediately put the 5th chess, the quest is not triggered).
If you get the gurabad chess you should completed the falcon hunt quest and have to completed it and teleport back to the tanit camp to talk with mesaria if you talk completed world quest will trigger
i didnt get the quest after placing the 5th piece AND finishing the 2 quests what am i suppose 2 do
edit; nvm i found out, for those who have the same problem as me. if u did all quests and placed the 5 chess pieces already go back and talk to masseira and ask about tadhla
Made in heaven
Well time to accept more quests that we won't be finishing
So I put the 5 chess pieces in but it didn’t trigger anything :/ am I missing something?
Will you make a part 3 for all Sumeru chests, please?
apocalypse lost not triggered pls help anyone?
If anyone is stuck after placing down all 5 chess pieces, there’s a follow-up quest call the “The Fallen Falcon”.
But you need to finished 2 world quests to unlock “The Fallen Falcon”
– Rejoice with Me, For what was lost is now found
– The Falcon’s Hunt
I have put all 5 pices and the quest didn't trigger …??
I have completed both falcon quests.
wait a sec. i have done the quest and i miss the temple of gurabed. i have look into other video but didn't help much
I need activación componente, anyone knows where Is It?
Sooo I’m missing the Gurabad chess piece. Im caught up on those camp quests.
bro i have activated all 5 temples but i am not able to find the activation thing for the temples which were already present there (deshret and eternal garden teleport activation keys )
I really dont understand the lore behind all this following around a piece that seeming floats aimlessly for a few seconds then lets itself get picked up. Why not just… immediately instead? Dont have to be all fancy smancy like that for utterly no reason lmao
I'm finishing all world quests and placed all the chesss and nothing quest triggered
What i do if the enemies don't be there when i put the five?
If ur going to make a guide make sure u do it right

I can't find the primal construct in where is is?
I did exactly what u did but no quest appeared
Ok im done
I did everything but u still dont know why it doesn’t show for me! Like all the side quest i found all the chess parts cut i cant start the quest also do i have to do the archon quest ?
Thank you
If anyone is stuck after placing all 5 chess pieces, you need to complete the Tadhla the Falcon
To anyone who stuck after putting all five chests (the primal construct didn't spawn), you need to complete the full series of Falcon quests. After you get the 5th piece, you only complete the second part of the quest (that's why when you immediately put the 5th chess, the quest is not triggered).
if u miss a chess piece or all, u better look at here
I placed all chess pieces and activation need. The achievement did not pop out, is it a bug?
how do I activate it not together?.. and the quest doesn't appear.. what should I do? somebody help me!!!

If you dont get enemy spawn after placing 5 pieces, try teleport to Tanit Camps and do world quests (I think there are sequels)
If you get the gurabad chess you should completed the falcon hunt quest and have to completed it and teleport back to the tanit camp to talk with mesaria if you talk completed world quest will trigger
What is this quest about?
I already did all the missions that require that, but when I put the 5 pieces, the enemy does not appear :/
i didnt get the quest after placing the 5th piece AND finishing the 2 quests what am i suppose 2 do
nvm i found out, for those who have the same problem as me. if u did all quests and placed the 5 chess pieces already go back and talk to masseira and ask about tadhla