almost 6 months of genshin impact (farming and rambling)

hi… this is my casual low spender genshin account with so little artifacts that you will cry

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45 thoughts on “almost 6 months of genshin impact (farming and rambling)”

  1. I am one of the new ones that is on the channel I wanted to see someone starting genshin and today I am seeing the list that you left of genshin encourages me to continue this game to see someone who enjoys it to the fullest. <3

  2. so ive been playing for a little bit over a year now, I have won 2 50/50's, First 5 star Yoimiya (2.8) and in Nahida's recent rerun. I kept losing to Mona as well! It was pretty frustrating to get C2 but, ive started using her recently, and she is the only reason my yoimiya hit 112k in the abyss lately, and that made me love her so much more

  3. Ayaka is the only 5 star i regret pulling. I pretty much pulled cause of massive damage she can do but she was kinda meh to me. Plus another character that needs handguards ugh torture…already Yae, Raiden and Wanderer need those. I think Keqing was my first 5 star and still my most used character. Hope you get the next one! Whenever i really want a character i usually make sure i have enough wishes to get them even if i lose the 5050.

  4. To help you understand the pity:
    “Pity” refers to when you reach 75 pulls, the chance of you getting a 5 star starts to go up. Before you reach 75 pulls your chance of a 5 star is 0.06% for each pull. Because of this. The majority of the time someone pulls a 5 star it is after 75 pulls. So, getting a 5 star character at “80 pity” isn’t just common, it’s the standard. Not unlucky at all. Now if you got to 80 pity every single time, yeah I’d call that unlucky. But still not uncommon. “Hard pity” (the game will give you a 5 star with 100% chance) is at 90 pity. But reaching 90 or “hard” pity is more uncommon than a double 5 star 10 pull. So the main take aways are that people misuse the term “hard pity” when referring to reaching 75 pulls but really that’s just when pity starts, that’s not hard pity. And reaching 80 pity is not unlucky at all. Thanks for the awesome vids! Good luck on your pulls 🙂 🫶🏻

  5. skyward pride is a good weapon for a lot of characters but not the best for any. Eula makes it work, as eula needs ER and skyward also gives high attack. But you have wolf's gravestone which is more or less her best weapon along with her signature Song of Broken Pines. Then skyward also works on Beidou very well. Since skyward pride enhances all damage, it can work on any and all claymore dps characters. Its more or less like everyones second or third best in slot claymore. Really good weapon if u ask me.

  6. For a 6 month old acc, your progress is actually impressive! It was clear you’ve done your research, know how to slowly do solid builds and you’re on the right track. I’m very VERY impressed with your yoimiya (the 2k atk and 60/200 crit ratio is just so 😩💕 i could only dream of having that ratio even after a year of playing 💀)

    My highest invested character and dps(wanderer) isn’t even on his BiS set and doesnt even have THAT crit ratio lmao(he’s 57/234 with 2.3k atk). I’ve NEVER won consecutive 5050s in my acc either, believe it or not 🥲🥲 its always a win-lose-win-lose pattern in 5050s.

    I’ve decided to stop artifact farming all together rn bcs it made me frustrated after months of shit artifacts so im just using my daily resin bullying bosses to lvl up ALL my characters to atleast 80. Helps with the burnout and helps me have more fun trying out more team comps and characters.

    Anw, love these introspective/catch up vids and looking forward to your progress as months will go by! 💕

  7. I reached 90 pity on kokomi's banner and I lost my 50 50 on diluc I cried all night bcs this was my first 5 star and now there's no way I will get kokomi I won't even be able to save for raiden and idk really what to do ,I think I'm already at 41 pity (garuntated)but what's the point I waisted all my wishes all my friends got the characters they wished for even my best friend lost 50 50 at 2 pity after getting kokomi and now she has garuntated raiden literally my dream in genshin I hate my luck

  8. I think my account is 9 months old. I'm so happy I got Kokomi, I barely spent any fates, she came home so fast yay. That was my first time pulling for a 5 star. I also got Jean in the same pull. My first 5 star was Dehya., I got her on standard, I guess I finally reached number of pullls for a 5 star in 9 months. They are the only 5 stars I have for now. My brother and cousin got Kokomi really fast as well. Now I'm saving for Navia
    I love Dragonspine too because it's so creepy and the soundtrack for it

  9. Your acount is much better than mine was in 6 months.
    I was one of the people who did no research and wanted to play every new character I pulled so I invested my exp on 17+ characters who are all in their 50-70 lvl ranges who I never use.

    Leveled up bad atk and HP weapons, got rid of countless artifacts that where good because of Strongbox, used all my free resin gems etc.

    Comparatively your acount is much cleaner than mine was with only the many hours ive put in saving it.

  10. Congrats! You just made your account super strong by having Eula!
    Qiqi is good. She can tank all of Azhdaha's attack and heal teammates at the same time!
    Mona's burst is 1 of the best dmg buff in the game! All youtubers use her in their nuke showcase!
    Wait.. are you f2p? If you chose to be f2p then don't push too hard on yourself.

  11. So my account is around one year old now. I don’t remember but I started 2.8 so I guess it’s around one year. Anyway I got Kazuha in 2.8 at pity 30. I got Mona from standard just after this so I started with a team comps of Kazuha Mona Bennet and Fischl. When I got higher AR I noticed the lack of a Dps. So 3.0 I pulled on Zhongli and got nothing 🙂. With 80 Pity. So I pulled on Cyno after that and got Thignari. Endet up not liking him. In 3.1 I did. my first regret pull cause I got Nilou at pity 7. but I did not inform my self about her and when I noticed I don’t had any useable Team for her she endet up to be not used for a long time. Anyway then I started my saving for Wanderer. I got Keqing on standard in 3.2 . Then 3.3 came out and I lost my 50/50 on Wanderer to Jean 😢But then I got him 80 Pulls later. Well This honesty was my best month cause I got both Weapons on the weapon banner. Which means Scaras Bell and Ittos Sword. On the second phase I got Raiden and The Jadespeer on the standard. After that I lost my luck again. 😂 I got Keqing on Xiaos Banner and decided to save for Ayaka. I got Ayaka on 3.4 and Nahida in 3.5 Now I finally got a Nilou team including Nilou Nahida Barbara and Kaveh who got replaced by Kirara later. So I pulled on Ganyu but only got Kaveh and I pulled on Yoimiya only got Kirara. Then I tried to get Kazuha C1 but I lost 50/50 to Keqing, AGAIN. Now I got 70 Pity and decide to wait for a Fontain character. So you see some times I was lucky and some times not. I am not so lucky with standard since the one Keqing I only get weapons from it or characters I dont use at all. I am almost F2p. We don’t talk about skins. And since I payed no money on characters I think I did pretty well. There only two things that kinda pisses me of. 1. Xiao and 2. Yoimiya (I realy miss them on my account)

  12. Personally I'd recommend you to level up the characters, their weapons and their talents first and only start farming artifacts (over whatever you already have on them) when you're done with the leveling. The thing is, you can't waste resin on leveling up, the outcome is guaranteed. While you can sink endless amounts of resin on artifacts and still not get what you want. Do it at least for characters you play actively or plan to play soon, things will become much easier. Characters that rely on EM (Nahida etc) all the way to 90, characters that rely on attack to level 80/90, i.e. including last ascension.
    There's no such thing as unlucky Genshin player. Things will even out over time, that time is just very long. Six months is nothing.
    Also, I definitely recommend you to save your primogems or fates. There's something to having enough of them that you can pull the character you want even if you lose 50:50 and get both 5*s late. But it also involves having strong enough will to stop pulling until you saved those 180 fates. Or strong enough will to accept your loss if you went pulling without enough fates.

  13. Yoimiya stats are well made endgame stats. And don't feel bad for VV set for Kazuha with main EM stat. It's insanely hard to farm and can take hundred of condensed resin ans still not even a single drop.

  14. Hi Nana! Thats my first comment in your channel but I'm just here to say that u're doing very well with your account and farm, and I would like to say, as a old player, that genshin is kinda boring and monotonous sometimes for many reasons, but I always get excited to play with big updates, like Fontaine, so I hope u too. Love u 🤍 And If u can answer me, are u from Brazil? Because I'm and I do not know if u really are or not, but your english is sooo good, I wish I could speak so well like u do

  15. I remember when I lost 50/50 on raeiden banner when she first came out and I never felt like uninstalling the game more than that moment fast forward today raiden had 3 banners thus far I lost 50/50 on all of them and I'm still raidenless but I guess that's how they trick you to spend money

  16. My suggestion is to build your Kuki Shinobu to use with Nahida and a hydro. Hyperbloom teams make the game very fun. All I had until recently was Barbara and Candace for hydro, but even using Barbara as my hyperbloom driver it was pretty good. Qiqi is actually better than you might think. With the ocean hued clam set she can do a lot of healing and damage too. So far the worst character for me has been Dori.


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