#HuTao #GenshinImpact
The showcase of all character’s phrases upon being defeated in the field
00:00 – Hu Tao
00:12 – Albedo
00:30 – Diluc
00:46 – Klee
01:02 – Childe (Tartaglia)
01:24 – Diona
01:44 – Ganyu
02:03 – Jean
02:26 – Keqing
02:46 – Mona
03:03 – Venti
03:25 – Xiao
03:43 – Zhong Li
03:59 – Kaeya
04:18 – Lisa
04:38 – Amber
04:57 – Barbara
05:17 – Beidou
05:35 – Bennet
05:57 – Chongyun
06:14 – Fischl
06:36 – Ningguang
06:56 – Noelle
07:18 – Qiqi
07:35 – Razor
07:55 – Sucrose
08:15 – Lumine (Female traveler)
08:38 – Aether (Male traveler)
08:59 – Xiangling
09:14 – Xingqiu
09:27 – Xinyan
xinyan: dies
the yt subtitles: the pizza missed
"Tell the sun and.. stars.. I said hello"
Please someone understand.
Dam please.
Klee is so sad :c
I SHOULD see you like that :'(💔
Where did you get that trail with klee there?????
Imagine if Childe said "Teucer im sorry." as his last words
Venti: Let me..sleep a while..
Vile: Oh, that doesn't sound very good.
Literally everyone: sorry…
Venti: my lyre!
ninguag i cannot understand u
Klee: Yay I did it! Oh wait I didnt
I wanna go home now
I feel bad for Klee-
3:19 this is a very perfect timing
Alternate title : sacrificing all of my character that i had
Venti : Let… me.. sleep….- awhile..-
Vile : aAwW tHaTs doesnt sOuNdS vErY gOoD
Others: seems like m-my time has… Come
Me if I was in genshin: my plan worked!
I'm going to hell for laughing.
Xiao and Kaeya are so casual i-
Venti: Let me sleep.. a while….
Vile: Ohh that dosent sound very good
Any character in GI: I’m gonna jump
Me: Can you do front flips?
I'M WHEEZING "Let me… sleep a while…" "Oooh, that doesn't sound very good…" LMAO VILE THAT'S NOT THE TIME