Alhaitham: Think Before You Act – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)

Composition by HOYO-MiX
Music by Vetrom

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#GenshinImpact #Remix #Cover


39 thoughts on “Alhaitham: Think Before You Act – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Cyno: What is the name of a boy band known for bullying gamers who have skill issues, especially on stream?

    Tighnari: What?

    Cyno: The Backseat Boys.

    Tighnari: Oh for crying out loud.

    Cyno: wheeze

  2. I love the tiny little details in this remix. The nice piano flourish right before the first synthwave comes in. Almost feels kinda elevator music, which is so fitting cause the elavator is isolated and a good place to think calmly to. Then the spanish guitar that comes in when it calms down where alhaitham sits down. I've been addicted to these two additions, reminds me how Vetrom just has good taste in spicing things up. The only thing is, me personally, im not a synth guy. The synth here hits a little strongly for my taste. Tnbee's remix has just the right amount of synth for me 💀💀. It's an awesome cover tho putting it on repeat every time

  3. Originally I was gonna not pull for Alhaitham simply because my friend and I have this thing between four characters: Ayaka and Yoimiya then Cyno and Alhaitham. Me being Ayaka and Cyno and my friend being the opposite.

    Basically, my friend "hates" Cyno and loves Alhaitham, but I'm the opposite. I love Cyno and "hate" Alhaitham. It's just a lil fun times between him and I so it's nothing major. (Of course, same story is applied to Ayaka and Yoimiya, except more towards waifu discussion than character). So, now after a long time, I have all four of the bunch

    My friend and I have both been playing the game since practically release day and I can say for sure that it's been such an interesting ride. Genshin has been with us since halfway through high school and for our graduation. Even if we don't like the game for the horrid rng, we still play to simply return and that's about it. We take breaks because of burn outs, and sometimes we take breaks simply because we have other things that need our attention(family, friends, and other important things)

    Anyway, if you have read this(I'm referring to whoever reads this) then may the stars of Teyvat guide you on a nice journey


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