What is the real identity of Albedo? What is the truth behind his existence and identity?
In this Genshin Impact Theory video, I will explain why Albedo was a failed creation and a flawed imitation of a godly being.
There are many hidden secrets behind Albedos character profiles.
Hints littered within his story, constellations and even his skillsets.
And everything seems to be correlated to the end of humanity in the game of Genshin Impact.
All this explained, and what Aether and Lumine symbolizes in relations to Albedo.
Welcome to a Genshin Impact Theory Video, diving into Albedo’s disturbing secrets and the truth.
Genshin Impact Patch, new update, new Story Quests and world quests. Visions, new bosses, new events. Kokomi is good? When will we get more, awesome super, story quest that gives us more information about the lore of Genshin Impact. High damage and one shotting bosses are great. Memes are also super funny. But the story and lore is the one of the best aspect in this game. Looking forward to Sumeru when it finally releases.
0:00 Albedo’s Disturbing Future
0:19 Symbolism of Art of Khemia
1:36 Rhinedottir’s Problem
2:21 Flower of Eden
4:19 Life and Destruction
6:15 Similarities to Traveler
8:45 Flawed Creation
#genshinimpact #mihoyo #animerpg
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As a Honkai and Genshin player, I can confirm one thing:
Mihoyo simps for the moon.
Wait does that mean I can become a paimon conjuring wizard with khemia
Ah yes m'boi albedo is actually a failed god and a ticking time bomb
Time to make albedo evil arc art yeez
I love how you used pictures of Izumi Curtis and General Armstrong for Rhinedottir and Gold. :p
For as much shit we give mihoyo at times, we gotta at least give props to the lore writers.
Just tell the devs
Love the Full Metal Alchemist related pic you are using for Rhinedotter..makes sense considering the connection lol
am i the only one seeing an upside down baby on albedo's constellation?
oh duck, this is the most strange yet make sense theory that is extremely dark i've heard
Man i love Albedo and his story
"so when could this possible destruction occur?-"
albedo was a failure because mihoyo nerf his fluffy hair 😡
Wow, can't refute any of these. You're goddamn right.
Does anyone saw that Albedo's constellation looks like a child inside the womb?
The constellation also might be signifying Albedo's life in which case the last constellation is saying we'll save him.
Albedo might be the other sibling.
Using this theory, I feel like its possible that Albedo could be immortal. He is a creation, made by an alchemists, and he trains alchemists. Meaning, if Albedo does die, Sucrose and Timeas could bring him back to life. Also, I believe he is also searching for Gold, so perhaps this could be a major stepping stone in on the path to the end?
I always had a belief that traveler and Albedo were connected, because:
1. I always thought Lumine's clothes and Lumine herself ressembled Albedo.
2. Geo traveller Ult, as you mentioned.
In fact, my brother and I have that joke of calling Lumine's ult discount Albedo xD.
You have a very interesting theory, thanks for sharing!
That was amazing<33
Aight I'mma roll for albedo
“But this…is just a theory…”
It’s as though he knew my mind would fill in the rest of that sentence. Well played, well played.
Also great video!
Loved the video! However, I had to make a comment on one of the things you said at the start. I strongly believe that Rhiendotir and Gold are the same person. The sheer power needed to create 1) a completely functioning artificial human and 2) corrupt a divine creature to the point of complete insanity shouldn't be common enough for two separate people to have. Not to mention how the whole destruction of Khaenri'ah could've happened because, well, Khaneri'ah simply wasn't on the good side of things. Perhaps Celestia simply HAD to destroy them before they did something much worse than corrupt ancient dragons.
I just notice this if you look at the theme in teyvat it always about moon's like the spiral abyss shape how mondstat is called moon city if translated and liyue As glazed moon this two city is nearest to the spiral abyss and connected to the moon and how "coincidentally" the traveler sky/light aether or lumine started at moon city near the spiral abyss with paimon who has a for me distinct character design and a halo shaped moon.
BUT what blows my mind is how mihoyo released the genshin road map trailer as "Teyvat Storyline" it got me thinking
“Those born of earth are bound by its imperfections, but those born of chalk are free of impurities… You and I are alike, both composed of a substance that has yet to be fully defined…”
This is Albedo’s line before the destroying Mondstadt one, I always wondered what he meant by this so this was very interesting to watch ☺️
If this theory turns out to be true then I can't wait to see twitter's reaction XD Its going to be hilarious to see people debate the morality of shipping Lumine with Albedo, I hope someone takes screenshots.
Anyway in all seriousness, this is an interesting idea especially with the possibility of the Traveler having to one day fight Albedo if he's ever corrupted, it adds an extra layer of tragedy. How would they react? would they be able to fight Albedo? If all goes well and Albedo is saved then what next? Heck how would Albedo react to the revelation?
Sounds kind of strange but I love it when main characters go through moral dilemmas like this, its always interesting to see how they approach a certain situation.
true he turned bad and attacked traveler and eula and bennet
interesting sips coffee
Very interesting and I really like the way your present the lore and your theory in the video!
Interesting and fun
As always
As expected. 🙌
Interesting video once again. Looking forward to this upcoming quest.
Mihoyo: He knows too much..
Cmon your overthinking this the devs saw cool shape they add cool shape
shit, now i want albedo. XD
"Let's say aether and lumine are Adam and eve"
sweet home alabama
Also, I'd like to point out that the word "albedo" comes from latin, meaning "whiteness" and is used in physics and astronomy as measurement of how much light something can reflect, while in optics we prefer using the term "reflection coefficient", in astronomy albedo is usually tied to how much sunlight a body (such as the moon) reflects.
Tbh Albedo looks more like Dain than Aether and Lumine
Yosuga No Sora
Not sure if this is related but anyone notice that the codename of the MOTH Eden in Honkai is “Gold” as well?
mihoyo like: oh shit they know now
literally everything goes back to the moon
Me: Lol albedo with fuck tons of energy and def an. Geo DMG goes brrrrrr
I love watching this guy cause he sounds like toast but you know, bearable and not annoying at all.
The name Albedo itself is quite a giveaway the comes along with this theory. Albedo by definition is the fraction of the light reflected from the sun coming from a planet's surface, with aether and lumine as the sun. Devs would not just give such specific name if this is not the case.
8:06 kaeya's eyes says hello
Ah yes, this is just a theory…
A GAME(genshin) THEORY