Al Haitham: Signature Weapon vs Constellations | Al Haitham Damage Analysis | Genshin Impact 3.4

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A Damage comparison between Al Haitham’s signature weapon and his constellations, to determine which is better to pull for

00:00 Premise
00:50 Constellations Analysis
01:50 C1 Buff
02:50 C2 Buff
03:30 C6 Buff
04:49 Signature vs Constellations


45 thoughts on “Al Haitham: Signature Weapon vs Constellations | Al Haitham Damage Analysis | Genshin Impact 3.4”

  1. Thank you so much for this vid, as I’m lacking haran, mist and pjs I’ll be pulling for him and his bis weapon. And also, I was planning on using him as a Spread main dps with Raiden, dendro traveler for the resonance and dendro res shred and zhongli since I don’t have a well built hydro character other than ayato, should I invest into one or for the time being, should I keep the idea of a spread main dps?

  2. Thank you for the video!

    Honestly, this game isn't that worth spending on that much, which is great for many people. If you like that character or you just like seeing big numbers (and you can afford it without selling your organs and house, that is), go for it.

    Otheriwse, don't feel pressured to spend any money. I personally think this game is more fun if I have every character C0 than having one C6 overpowered character that I was saving up for for 2 years, and you definitely can clear everything in this game with C0 characters as well. So if you see a character you really like, go for it, but if someone else tells you to spend money, consider it very carefully first, so you can play and enjoy this game without regrets.

    Just remember to be careful with your money everyone <3

  3. I'm still not sure what I want to do. I have Mistsplitter but I already use it for either bennett or ayaka most of the time. So his Signature weapon would come in quite handy.
    What pains me is the fact that jade spear is on the same banner. I already have jade spear and really don't need another one.
    The weapon banner after alhaitham is really good because I don't have yelans signature weapon and another homa is always good.
    Hence I even considered wishing on the current weapon banner because I could give haran to Bennett/Alhaitham and if I get grascutter I could give it to my raiden who currently runs homa/jade spear. Which means I have nothing to lose either way.

    I have no idea what the best decision is hm

  4. Got PJWS already at R2 and a PJC. I don't know if it's worth going for the weapon as next time he gets his rerun he might be paired with Kokopium's donut weapon or another trash weapon. As a Xiao simp I was prepared for the worst-case scenario for the upcoming banner, but I still waffle back and forth.

  5. I got PJC at R3 for pulling Nilou's key. Did some calculations with Alhaitham's signature, apparently there is like 2.5% difference so I'll probably stick with PJC. It'll be a bonus if i got lucky on his signature tho.

  6. IMHO hoyo should change his c1 to 1.2 CD + the current c2 effect and his c2 effect is increases his burst dmg by % or by adding 300-400% em ontop of his burst, basically his V0 which enables his burst play style

  7. Yep I agree, his constellations are generally not worth pulling for. They made him either a C0 or C6 character and nothing in between. Since his C6 rotation is what benefits from the C1 cooldown decrease, and he can activate the C2, as well as make use of both effects from his C4 while he has C6. Depends on player if they wanna go all out but definitely a good C0 character that works with many of the 5* swords

  8. I accidentally got two of ayatos weapons pulling for engulfing lightning. Not a whale i was just saving and skipped hers everytime. I don’t know if refinements are worth it or not but they are my first 5star swords so I’m probably not going to get Alhaithams

  9. I can 36 star all abyss since 1 year ago till today..
    I literally dont need any new dps.. i just want Haitham to look beautiful, thats it 😂💚💚

  10. I'll just go for his weapon and or his constellations on his rerun, I'd like to see how good he is with my Black sword first. I don't want to overinvest just incase I don't use him. (I don't want him to be like my Cyno that has sat there since his release at C2 and his sig weapon. I don't use him at all).

  11. I'm glad this video is up. While I do have some intentions pulling for Al Haitham's weapon, I also honestly wish that I would get two copies of him while pulling. The last time I got a duo 5* character was on Albedo's rerun (I got Albedo followed by Jean, making me guaranteed for Itto). I do hope that Al Haitham's banner would provide me that much luck as well hawhaha!

    One could hope, after all~!

  12. I don't pull for constellations.
    Is it worth it to pull for Alhaithams Signature if I have Haran?
    If the weapon banner ist bad, I should be happy with Haran, right?

  13. His c1 and c4 are for the new c6 effect. You want to get 2 stacks with e then burst at c6. Then charged attack for fourth mirror. The 1.2 seconds lines up so you can then e and keep 3 stacks. His c6 giving 3 mirrors still makes this pretty nutty. Also now he 60 em to everyone on team in addition to the 30 percent dendro damage bonus.

  14. I think you've missed something important in your analysis of his c6 change.
    Bc it will always generate 3 mirrors, you can now make use of his c1 and c4 to much greater degree.
    At c6 his best rotation becomes E > NA string > Q (2 mirrors) > NA string > CA > NA string > E > NA string.
    His new c6 and c1 allows him to E twice in a single rotation while increasing his Q dmg, maxing c4 solo buff and providing your EM scaling off-fielders a decent em buff, and giving him the crit buff for the rest of his skill rotation. So rather than improving his dmg for short rotations, it actually allows him to lengthen his on-field time and rotations if you choose to do so.
    It also means an increase in his number of dendro applications which means more spread/bloom procs.

    It seems like his c1 and c6 were buffed to specifically work with each other to achieve this increased field time and crit buff duration bc if his c1 stayed at 1 sec, even with the new c6, it wouldn't have allowed a second E in his skill combo.

    But even with that, the crit buff will only apply to the second half of his skill rotation and only last, like you said around 6-8 seconds, 12 seconds if people want to further increase his field time by continuing his NA string even after losing his 3rd mirror at the end.

  15. Need help to decide, should i pull for haran now or wait for his sig weap? Im currently worried on his weap banner cause it's partnered with jade spear which i already have, while the haran banner has engulfing and i have raiden with catch atm, soooo where should i pull haha

  16. So basically alhaitham is f2p friendly.

    Biggest upgrade is getting his signature weapon if you don't have a good sword for him
    the second biggest upgrade is getting his c2
    the third getting his c6

    so the most price/quality ratio is getting his weapon and then c2 and you're basically done. Other upgrades is just too expensive with minimal damage increase.


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