EULA’S WARM MILK.. – Genshin Impact Funny Moments
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#eula #genshinimpact
Thats halarious
you im f2p and got her. im so happy cause she is my first 5* at ar36
that Raising Fighting Spirit during the cutscene tho
was about to watch this until a eula ad popped up pretty ironic(i dont know wut ironic means because im a stupid first year)
09:41 That's something Amber definitely wants to know as well.
For, um, reasons.
Jeikage is still one note….. hm….
I add friend you in genshin impact, can you friend me back ????
Uncle Lawrence has assended into game and real life
Pray Adidass
Now you know the suffer of the second part of the trial 😂😂😂
Warm Milk memes are the best. This quest made me Hungry all the time. mh, Fleisch mit Sauerkraut, droll.
"My Name is Helmut Lord of the Immernachtreich" xD Love it
I don’t want to know what your toes look like
funny as always
The thumbnail kinda sus
1:20 I agree
Very nice video editing
The Twilight Princess music makes me love these videos even more than I already do
Yuri xD
Okay so hear me out. Since the Lawrence clan treats people like uncultured swine, then it's highly likely that they won't marry outside of their clan. If that's the case then it means that they're inbred as modern bananas. And isn't like the stuff that kinda screwed the clan was like, a couple centuries ago? So yeah, they're probably more inbred than the Enclave.
Eula: gives you warm milk
Jei's brain: adios
Man Schubert's EN VA really channeling his inner John Hurt as hard as he can huh.
This made Eulas quest even better. xD
It is one of the best Sotry quests in my opinion but adding Jeikag'es taste to it makes it better!
anyone know the name of the outro song?
i only clicked cause there is my waifu on the banner
Subtitles be like : schnez denied lmao
Umm….. I am the only one that is a bit consern wen he saied that Eula has the had band like Yanfei pants ? I mean is true but why he noticed that on Yanfei , Jeikage you have some explanation to do XD
wuts the music in the beginning?
You're getting better with these quips lol
Jean: Hello there Errand boy-…..i mean honorary knight we need your help
I bet u that fichel and Ella will get along with one anotherr when they talk formal
I swear you're just getting better and better!