99 Problems with Genshin Impact (but Resin Ain't One)

99 problems I personally have with Genshin Impact. Some are minor, some are major, but not a single one is resin. Ultimately these problems/shortcomings don’t stop me from loving Genshin, moslty minor inconveniences but they’d sure be nice…

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39 thoughts on “99 Problems with Genshin Impact (but Resin Ain't One)”

  1. Genshin do have notification alert when resin is full but in my phone , the notification usually comes very late . Also i wish they increase resin cap to 200 or higher because i know they not gonna give us more resin and i still need to login the game 2 times a day to spent my resin or else it gonna hit the cap

  2. 10, really?
    11, i would like for it to act like box from 3 realms gateway event
    13 yes
    14 YES (totaly not because i'm Lisa main)
    19 yes
    28 3 bells on raiden rerun agree
    37 yes
    50 agree
    well, I would say make resin cap 180 for 24h cycle

  3. When you start a time trial and the timer is going down as it tells you the objective. Some of the particle ones you really need as much time as you can get

  4. 1. we can't trade light sigils from enkanomiya into mora/xp books
    2. electro sigil shop in inazuma only sells teapot blueprint instead of materials like in mondstat and liyue
    3. even at trust rank 10, the teapot coin refresh time is too long while i want to speedrun making all of the sets for freemogems
    4. weapon banner having chance of losing 50/50 twice which is more painful than limited chara banner
    5. some character's kits having a split scaling like albedo and xinyan
    6. the limited choice to customize the key binding, bcs my laptop's alt button is screwed so i never doing quickswap till these days
    7. no feature to instantly skip the dialogue or maybe cancel the dialogue especially when you mispressed like the one at angel share (with poster) in mondstat or the cooking pot (with restaurant's banner) at inazuma's kath
    8. character max level is 90
    9. the original enkanomiya's whole quest was silent-long dialogue, especially when we talking with enjou at the library-ish place
    10. hyakunin ikki's gold medal reward is just ridiculously stupid bcs i can get 5 pinky stone from hajime without thinking about how to use yoimiya efficiently when the enemies are mostly not single target

  5. I think there is already an alert notification for capped resin and something else.

    Big problem is daily login not being a in game system and not limited to the hoyo app or site

  6. Btw cool fact, the genshin friends list is so inconsistent it’s not even funny. I’m not completely sure if this has anything to do with me being on PS4 but I’m able to be over the 45 cap without having any skills to modify code and having no interest in trying to do that at all. It fluctuates from time to time. Originally I could only have 45/45, that went to 47/45 and now it’s currently sitting at 51/45.

  7. 1) we need more pins! How else am I going to mark random wishing spots?
    5) yes and we need a way to automatically find the page with our last 5*
    13) I've bombarded every survey with this exact complaint. I will not rest until I can headpat the animals
    19) oh no the doki doki music
    31) having a fish vendor would make the fishing mechanic useful and be a good way to earn mora
    37) why can't they just let us place more furniture? Why hoyoverse? And it sucks that you can only place 1 companion in a set
    40) they're trying to stop me from using endora, shiki koshou, and my two seelies at the same time. It's not like they're useful in combat do why can't I have my little army
    42) spawn kill
    43) I wish we could also remove the uid from the corner
    51) the lack of a shield healthbar is the reason I still dodge with my diona
    58) we all love it when traveller speaks! I wish they had more dialog (especially since aether is my favorite)
    61) this is especially a problem when it's almost reset time and you're trying to speedrun comms
    75) I would visit the archipelago everyday purely for the music.
    77) this would be solved with a fish vendor
    My own problem: where is venti quest part 2?

  8. I think it would be nice if enemies in the overworld dropped 1-3 star artifacts (for artifact exp) and more mora (1000 per enemy at least, 5000 for large enemies). Yeah it would make leylines less useful, but we have too many things to spend our resin on already and it would give us something meaningful to do when our resin is out. Currently there is no reason to fight in the over world aside from daily commissions and gathering some upgrade materials.

  9. Genshin dev are like '' lets sell a character and make the game more casual so pple can enjoy a new full build character to make photo and dishes '' ^^
    Can't wait a new dev note which answer evrything expect the point that has been mentioned in this video. Like… raiden's circle brightness ^^
    Nice video.

  10. Yeah, completely agree with you on Xingqiu's shorts. I hate them so much that he will be benched until he at least gets a skin. Doesn't matter how meta MiHoYOVERSE chooses to make him. What a nerd.

  11. You joke but I too hate xingqiu's shorts. They are way too short, almost like booty shorts or boxer briefs or underwear. I'd find it much more appealing to see if it was maybe like knee length or something because those are what I call shorts.

  12. Starter 4 stars should have more easily obtainable constellation.
    Electro+their reactions needs to be buffed or reworked. Geo reactions too.
    Region locked ascension/talent materials.
    Artifact system needs something added to make it more forgiving. Banners have pity. Your double crit artifacts become fodder if they all roll flat def. Let us reset artifacts using resin.


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