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#genshinimpact #momozgeek #genshin
Game : Genshin Impact
LANGUAGE : English
Music : Genshin Impact Ost.
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#genshinimpact #genshinunknown #genshinglitch #genshinimpactguide #genshintips #genshinbug #genshinglitch
How to send lolis to the outer space :
When u know this but u can't BC ur a mobile player and lag-
mobile players: interesting
Impressive 🤯🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I know this
Actually a lot of people know this someone did a video about so this is kinda clickbait but hey some people may not I mean the person that made this only had around I think 10k views
Very funny, but every one knew this lol
Venti: Wouldn't bugging be faster?
Me doing that thing and found this vid.
Also me: wow? :V
using Keqing E ❌
using this bug ✔
How to escape any boss
PS5 gameplay be like when teleporting to a waypoint: 0:17
im proud to be a part of that 0.1%
Now the tables have turned to 99.9% know about this thanks to this vdo
So you think you're the one who only knows about this bug ?
I did not understand bro..what happened
Found this since dragonspine
New for mobile player?
Mobile Players belike: 👁️👄👁️
i am the 0.1 that knew i can do this😓😓
Minato's transportation jutsu in genshin :0
Lmao i know it
The fact that this comment section can't do basic maths :/
Am i the only one who doesnt mark anything on map?
Me who knew these : *I am 4 parallel universes ahead of u*
dislike for using false statistics percentage on your video titles
99.99 Know but 0.01 do it
This true cause 90,98 player is mobile player
Am I only one who's getting irritated by this music remembering bubble game flashbacks?