33 thoughts on “6 THINGS we NEED in GENSHIN IMPACT!”
the vacuum cleaner button F for obtaining items is also a thing on other games,… The Last of us gave a smart way to instantly absorb them all with hold "interaction key" to obtain all the items in vicinity, Mihoyo should also implement that at the least to save some seconds – minutes -hours of our lifetime
I would like a weapon appearance change system, I. For honor you can change any weapons appearance to another as long as you had acquired them without changing stats, I have a Noelle main dps so obviously I use whiteblind,.but I find it to be very ugly and favounius great sword is literally made for Noelle, just being able to change the weapon skin would help a lot
I'ma be honest, all the people who clamor for an amber buff still wouldn't play her even if she received said buff.
Here's the main reason why: look at how many people find ganyu's playstyle extremely boring despite how cracked she is as a dps.
Yea. That's why. You can tweak her numbers and such all you like but ultimately if people don't vibe with the playstyle they aren't gonna play her regardless. All bringing this up constantly does is take away from actual genuine improvements we could be asking for the game, imo.
Perhaps they could slightly increase the number of events that reward crowns, and let us buy any single 5-star of our choice (that isn't the current character banner) in the store, once per reset.
And also make 4-stars over a certain age permanent additions to the store, instead of cycling between just two.
After all, the more characters there are added to the game, the more the reward tables get diluted, the longer it takes to cycle through them on banners/in the store, and the harder it becomes to get constellations for any one character.
Oh wow. I hadn't even considered the idea of a "universal" constellation item!!! I love LOVE the idea. I'm not a F2P player, but I do spend a little and buy the welkin and the BP, plus GC once or twice in the past year. But I'm no whale so I'm never going to have a constellation for a limited banner 5*. This would be amazing. Make it say half as common as the crowns (ive gotten i think 10 or so crowns since 2020). So 5-6 of them per year if you participate in all the events. I can only imagine how impossible it will be to decide who to constellation! Lol
i want to be able to choose a MAINSTAT on an artifact, i spent 170Condensed resin AND STILL no main stat crit rate/dmg hat,my luck is dog shit and i fking hate it
If I wanted to be petty about this game I would say the way weapons and how the stats work are really frustrating. I am a casual paying player (bought a few battle passes and welkins) even then I have really shitty luck on the gacha. I stopped playing a few months ago because I hated my luck, grinding and frustrations coming from them (stopped before I became a degenerate gambler), only got back to play it again because inazuma is coming. Call me entitled, if I am paying I have to make sure I get what I want, not a slightly better chance to get what I want.
Mining Crystals: this is a really specific request that basically only people that level up 3+ weapons at a time would need, although I wouldn't be opposed to this especially if they make the magical crystal actually useful
5* Constallations: this is a bit too soon to implement. An example would be Hu Tao whom gets a major gameplay change after c1. Maybe this will be an anni gift but I doubt it, 1 constallation is alot and while I do see this kind of mechanic happening to 4*, 5* seems like too big of a strech just yet, maybe around Genshin's 2nd year anni. Best not to get our hopes up for something that would probably never happen. Also even if they do implement "free" 5* cons, if it took around a year to farm there would be massive backlash they might as well not have implemented it. According to the "Ultimatum Game" people will gerenally reject offers that are "too small" even if it objectively benefits them. This has already happened in Genshin, the hoyolab login system. This system was such a small (but objectively beneficial) "reward" that most either forget or would rather it not exist
This game like almost every gatcha game is basically a slot machine, so, a money maker. They won't implement any mechanic that allows people to get something that it's currently only or almost only obtainable by paying, for free. So no more resin, no "real" artifact re roll (and of course no sub stats re roll), no reduced pitty, etc. The only reason they could think of implementing any of those things is players leaving the game and for the moment i don't see this happening. Also, and i have to give mihoyo credit for that, they never included any content that can't be completed with a f2p account. So if you want your damage go brrrrr, you gotta pay.
1 of the things i wish they did and some other also agree is makig a New Banner with charather with Same Element. Like 1 Banner is Only Pyro so this will say You get All Pyro charather in the Banner: Amber, Bennet, Xingling, Xingyan, Yanfei, Diluc, Klee, Hu Tao.
And Only 1 of the 5* will be on the cover & Afther 20/15days You chance the Element into Cryo or somthing for the next patch. Then we have: Kaeya, Chongyun, Rozaria, Diona, Qiqi, Ganyu ect doing the same thing.
This whould also help for some charather to get if you happend not have Bannet or his Constalastion ot whoud help f2p & low spenders user to get them. But i do say they need bring more of Each other charather to do this.
Like Hdryo is 1 of the only element that only have a view charather then and we still dont have Dendro
Another banner idea whould be Underrated charather that didnt come often in Bannner or Shop in this case it whould be the Started charather as well the free charather you get in the game, but also charather like Chongyun/Xinyan/Diona/ Ninggang/Yenfei/ Rozaria/ Surcrose due fact i nothice some people have a very hard time getthing them, i also whould put razor in it and bennet.
Another case whould be some of the 5* too because they didnt get a rerun.
Last of all they chouldmake a banner based on Group, Like the Adventure group that was Albedo banner back then, Or the Knight Group that Jean and the 3 Stared charather. The Friendship group: Grapping only the friendship charather who ha e close bound ect.
But they should give use something diffrent then primogems to wish with that that is Free and more easy to get
Crystals is just whale problem tho , I started few months late and I have 8 weapons maxed , overflow of crystals and don't have any new weapons to even upgrade so Just let whales buy it for the credits in shop
I agree with all these changes. As much as I came to hate Black Desert (p2w hell), the loot grabbing pets were awesome. I'd like to see the cat's tail become an actual place, and get a permanent waypoint gadget as well. Farming to replace the thing once a week is just annoying
the vacuum cleaner button F for obtaining items is also a thing on other games,… The Last of us gave a smart way to instantly absorb them all with hold "interaction key" to obtain all the items in vicinity, Mihoyo should also implement that at the least to save some seconds – minutes -hours of our lifetime
I would like a weapon appearance change system, I. For honor you can change any weapons appearance to another as long as you had acquired them without changing stats, I have a Noelle main dps so obviously I use whiteblind,.but I find it to be very ugly and favounius great sword is literally made for Noelle, just being able to change the weapon skin would help a lot
I must point out that mobile players can already vacuum items by clicking the character while by items.
Just need buff for characters man especially Keqing
Magic crystals are not useless! They're excellent fodder for the parametric transformer!
If they add Artifact layout that would be nice it's like quick equip saved layout instead of changing them one by one that really annoying.
I hope you'll make a video comparing the new weapon
I want Burst to be able to be Holded to aim where it lands.
I'ma be honest, all the people who clamor for an amber buff still wouldn't play her even if she received said buff.
Here's the main reason why: look at how many people find ganyu's playstyle extremely boring despite how cracked she is as a dps.
Yea. That's why. You can tweak her numbers and such all you like but ultimately if people don't vibe with the playstyle they aren't gonna play her regardless. All bringing this up constantly does is take away from actual genuine improvements we could be asking for the game, imo.
That's one thing I like on mobile, collecting all loots with just one tap xddd
We need a punching bag that leave you add elemental and physical resistances for accurate know our damage
I want Mihoyo to make a better co-op for events with an option of not allowing random people to join.
I really need auto pickup loot. My keyboard is F' smashing
oh u have to smash f? get well soon this post was made by the mobile gang
*my computer was broken when I started playing and I got used to it it would personally be weird to make the jump after over 800h of playing
Perhaps they could slightly increase the number of events that reward crowns, and let us buy any single 5-star of our choice (that isn't the current character banner) in the store, once per reset.
And also make 4-stars over a certain age permanent additions to the store, instead of cycling between just two.
After all, the more characters there are added to the game, the more the reward tables get diluted, the longer it takes to cycle through them on banners/in the store, and the harder it becomes to get constellations for any one character.
Oh wow. I hadn't even considered the idea of a "universal" constellation item!!! I love LOVE the idea. I'm not a F2P player, but I do spend a little and buy the welkin and the BP, plus GC once or twice in the past year. But I'm no whale so I'm never going to have a constellation for a limited banner 5*. This would be amazing. Make it say half as common as the crowns (ive gotten i think 10 or so crowns since 2020). So 5-6 of them per year if you participate in all the events. I can only imagine how impossible it will be to decide who to constellation! Lol
I think we need more unlockable characters rather than just pulling them it’s just a retro feeling to me.
press F for the F key
i want to be able to choose a MAINSTAT on an artifact, i spent 170Condensed resin AND STILL no main stat crit rate/dmg hat,my luck is dog shit and i fking hate it
The loot vacuum is already implemented in mobile tho. But yeah spamming F is tiring.
If I wanted to be petty about this game I would say the way weapons and how the stats work are really frustrating. I am a casual paying player (bought a few battle passes and welkins) even then I have really shitty luck on the gacha. I stopped playing a few months ago because I hated my luck, grinding and frustrations coming from them (stopped before I became a degenerate gambler), only got back to play it again because inazuma is coming. Call me entitled, if I am paying I have to make sure I get what I want, not a slightly better chance to get what I want.
Mining Crystals: this is a really specific request that basically only people that level up 3+ weapons at a time would need, although I wouldn't be opposed to this especially if they make the magical crystal actually useful
5* Constallations: this is a bit too soon to implement. An example would be Hu Tao whom gets a major gameplay change after c1. Maybe this will be an anni gift but I doubt it, 1 constallation is alot and while I do see this kind of mechanic happening to 4*, 5* seems like too big of a strech just yet, maybe around Genshin's 2nd year anni. Best not to get our hopes up for something that would probably never happen. Also even if they do implement "free" 5* cons, if it took around a year to farm there would be massive backlash they might as well not have implemented it. According to the "Ultimatum Game" people will gerenally reject offers that are "too small" even if it objectively benefits them. This has already happened in Genshin, the hoyolab login system. This system was such a small (but objectively beneficial) "reward" that most either forget or would rather it not exist
This game like almost every gatcha game is basically a slot machine, so, a money maker.
They won't implement any mechanic that allows people to get something that it's currently only or almost only obtainable by paying, for free.
So no more resin, no "real" artifact re roll (and of course no sub stats re roll), no reduced pitty, etc.
The only reason they could think of implementing any of those things is players leaving the game and for the moment i don't see this happening.
Also, and i have to give mihoyo credit for that, they never included any content that can't be completed with a f2p account.
So if you want your damage go brrrrr, you gotta pay.
1 of the things i wish they did and some other also agree is makig a New Banner with charather with Same Element.
Like 1 Banner is Only Pyro so this will say You get All Pyro charather in the Banner: Amber, Bennet, Xingling, Xingyan, Yanfei, Diluc, Klee, Hu Tao.
And Only 1 of the 5* will be on the cover & Afther 20/15days You chance the Element into Cryo or somthing for the next patch.
Then we have: Kaeya, Chongyun, Rozaria, Diona, Qiqi, Ganyu ect doing the same thing.
This whould also help for some charather to get if you happend not have Bannet or his Constalastion ot whoud help f2p & low spenders user to get them. But i do say they need bring more of Each other charather to do this.
Like Hdryo is 1 of the only element that only have a view charather then and we still dont have Dendro
Another banner idea whould be Underrated charather that didnt come often in Bannner or Shop in this case it whould be the Started charather as well the free charather you get in the game, but also charather like Chongyun/Xinyan/Diona/ Ninggang/Yenfei/ Rozaria/ Surcrose due fact i nothice some people have a very hard time getthing them, i also whould put razor in it and bennet.
Another case whould be some of the 5* too because they didnt get a rerun.
Last of all they chouldmake a banner based on Group, Like the Adventure group that was Albedo banner back then, Or the Knight Group that Jean and the 3 Stared charather.
The Friendship group: Grapping only the friendship charather who ha e close bound ect.
But they should give use something diffrent then primogems to wish with that that is Free and more easy to get
Agreed with all.
Very objective.
They should buff Baron Bunny after Yoimiya
Just let me shot it in head thanks.
Crystals is just whale problem tho , I started few months late and I have 8 weapons maxed , overflow of crystals and don't have any new weapons to even upgrade so
Just let whales buy it for the credits in shop
Hmmm. If Aloy is coming to GI, then how should we call her? She is cryo, uses a bow and a 5 star. F2P Cryo Amber?
I agree with all these changes. As much as I came to hate Black Desert (p2w hell), the loot grabbing pets were awesome. I'd like to see the cat's tail become an actual place, and get a permanent waypoint gadget as well. Farming to replace the thing once a week is just annoying