5 Things You Might Miss in "Drumalong Festival" Event (Genshin Impact)

Let’s look at all the small detail and fun things in “The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival” I hope you enjoy …


40 thoughts on “5 Things You Might Miss in "Drumalong Festival" Event (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Another fun fact- Okuzumeshuu, the Shogun's bodyguards, their actual job is not to protect the Shogun, but instead, to protect the regular people from The Shogun.

    Takeshi: Of course the Almighty Shogun doesn't need people like us for protection. I'm just here to protect the regular folks.

    Takeshi: If someone dares to intrude into the forbidden zone, our Almighty Shogun wouldn't care what reasons they have.

  2. They really did itto dirty ngl
    First can't have a good place for his festival
    Then no one come to his festival
    Now he got arrested

    Usually festival like this would have at least one people join in for the fun so i thought as day passed there will be more people join but no
    Edit: ok i didn't watch the whole video before i make this comment. So some people did visit itto festival but they didn't appear at the festival. So i didn't know

  3. you know the sad part is? it's the actual drum when we got it and use it I'm expecting that we can also have the same gameplay from the event but the reality is it's just 4 button and that's kinda disappointing

  4. I was like we're gonna leave him just like that? Iradori festival he fell ill because of beans and we had to let thoma take care of him….. I don't feel so good but i think it as an opening for shinobu release so I'm good with it…

  5. it's realy heartwarming how everyone treat itto like little brother. in this case, itto feel just like naruto. how he behave like just some troublemaker at first and then he change, or rather develop for the better

  6. It's funny how Shinobu herself didnt show up to the festival even though it was partly for her and she even did most of the work inviting people. The event was scuffed in the first place lmao. Nice try though, Itto. Better luck next time


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