5 New Things to Know About Sumeru from Chasm (Genshin Impact)

The Chasm has many references to Sumeru in its various World Quests. Let’s look at al the things we can infer from these new quests. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

Sumeru Theory: https://youtu.be/hW-x2j9GicI

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📌 Timestamps
0:00 Food in Sumeru
0:54 Mushrooms everywhere in Sumeru
1:45 Speaking about Celestia is taboo
3:26 Connections more valued than wealth
4:06 Government of Sumeru

🎵 Music

#GenshinImpact #Sumeru


33 thoughts on “5 New Things to Know About Sumeru from Chasm (Genshin Impact)”

  1. It's also curious how they banished Dottore. I mean, inhumane experiments are never good, but his ear specifically pertaining to an artificial god. Perhaps that had to do with it?

  2. Xamaran’s dialogue after u finished the quest : “Ignorance might be a blessing, and knowledge might bring forth calamity. Only that which graced with the ambrosia of knowledge can flourish into the strong. Only that which has been tested with the desolation of wandering can brave the wilderness.”
    Another character from Sumeru who probably know a bit much bout Celestia’s secret

  3. Personal theory is that most of the plants in the Chasm flowed from water ways connected to Sumeru and over time adapted to the properties of the chasm…kinda like the seeD you find under the tree roots…Also mean that Sumeru may be a giant mushroom forest…idk why but my brain pictures dark oak forests from Minecraft.

  4. If that's the case then traveller knows a whole lot, enough to spark the nation in chaos lol so it's best if traveller is careful with what they say. Considering how they were chased by Milllileth and then Shogun's Army something similar can happen over there. I still wonder how is traveller so fine when they are in biggest danger right now. Although i don't think people of Sumeru will go to extreme lengths right?

    And there could be hierarchy of who recieves or knows what kind of information because they need to save themselves or prepare themselves for worst after all

  5. I think sumeru would be the one who would have little knowledge about celestia if not then celestial powers and architecture. What i think is only sneznaya is the one who knows completely about celestia maybe natlan's archon is also mad as she also wants to find truth and there we might find the true truth of celestia. In sumeru i expect to see a lot of structures from celestia itself in the desert or rainforest, or maybe ancient civilization. Some of its structure would be like breath of the wild (the dark mud in chasm gives me a lot of breath of the wild vibes so) preety much so we can expect some familiar structures or puzzles from breath of the wild. I would love to see your videos about sumeru can't wait for it, it would be exciting as all of your videos

  6. And i saved millions in mora for inazuma thinking it was going to be expensive beacuse of the closed authoritarism and civil war.
    Sumeru might have skyrocketing inflation due to the knogledge gap between people and heavy control over them and their beliefs.
    For all we know, maybe lisa was in the stock market and thats why her age was cut in half.

  7. Something I think a lot is that Sumeru Academy will be the "group" that will fulfill the function of ruling/protecting Sumeru, like Qixing in Liyue, the triple commission in Inazuma and the knights of Favonius in Mondstat, and the playable characters from the academy could be teachers, the headmaster, and maybe some students

  8. when khedive said a a kamera costs as much as a meal i just assumed that it meant he spends a lot of money to eat expensive meals since hes rich

  9. every time I remember the calamity 500 years ago, I think that what morax did by leaving humans to rule over themselves means 1 of 2, he either is a dumb fuck, who didn't learn from what happened when humans ruled themselves without gods, or he fully believes that the tsaritsa plan will work to the point where he gave her his gnosis and "ended all the contracts" plus he stopped ruling over lyiue, doesn't that mean he really is done with celestia? which would be really cool because I really don't want us to run after our sister and stop her from fighting celestia, because it will mean that we don't really mind what happened back then :#

  10. i learn 1% of this game's lore from the actual game and 99% from you . these videos are always so helpful because i have no idea what goes on in-game

  11. Hey so random thought I had that I thought you might have a good opinion on….88 characters max? Only 88 known constellations so kinda makes sense right? If so….can you relate the current characters we have to the 88 constellations?

  12. Just a general question: will we see a Nail Pillar, like the Skyfrost and the unnamed Blue (hydro?) Nail of Dragonspine and the Chasm, but in Inazuma?

    I can’t think of any references to anywhere it might be, if it does exist… Tsurumi Island does have an ultra-ancient civilization with a painting of Celestia over it…

  13. 'Eremite' is a Christian term for a reclusive member of a particular religious order, such as a monk who takes a vow of silence, chastity or poverty. So it's unlikely the Sumeru Emerites are an armed force and more likely the most devoted members of the Academia to the God of Wisdom, or whatever the enemy of Wisdom is.

  14. I hope when the traveler goes to Sumeru, we'll be able to steal a "book of truths" or something like that from the Academia to learn more on Celestia, and besides with the Traveler's plot armor we're not gonna die outright like the unfortune others who learned the true nature of Celestia

  15. My take on how Sumeru is going to be is:

    I think Kusanali will be super friendly towards us from the very beggining, and even offering to help us "answer" our questions, guiding us on what to look for, what to read, what to see, and the conclusions we should take, in a very guiding way. But obviously we will notice some things might not add up because we LIVED through certain events and SAW things.
    And I believe in the moment we start to look for answers in our own way, away from Kusanali's guidance, she will "betray" us and become hostile. I also believe Hoyoverse will keep her that way for a full update (like when we were treated as criminals throughout the whole 2.0 update), and only in the future part of the story we will find out she was like that to protect us from Celestia or whatever might happen to those who know too much. We already have a super friendly god, Venti. We have a friendly, yet reserved god that respects contracts, Zhongli. We have a god who was "evil" at the beggining and we helped turn "good", Ei. So it wouldn't be too far out there to imagine a god who is friendly at first, "betrays" us and becomes "evil", and later we find out they weren't the bad guy at all: that being Kusanali.
    Anyways, just imagining things. Thank you for joining my TED Talk.

  16. Bro…i find out something interesting…u might have noticed also..there is name of every cube boss…and they are from hebrew language..they have some meaning also…so that can make a connection to their lore about origin..please make a video about it if u like this idea…


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