[4.1] Hyv decision on Resin Limit Up & Event's Weapon Rerun | Genshin Impact

Do you want any of those event’s exclusive ultra limited weapons to have a rerun?

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41 thoughts on “[4.1] Hyv decision on Resin Limit Up & Event's Weapon Rerun | Genshin Impact”

  1. I feel like Hoyoverse will bring back those events at some point, like it's kinda ridiculous how they're just gonna let Star Rail have favored but not Genshin, it's dumb. Yet to those who want them are gonna have to stick to what we have now and it's frustrating. It's not our fault if we miss it because we didn't get into Genshin sooner.

  2. he he hehehe
    say, If an old account that have all the special weapon is auctioned, by the 6th year of genshin will it be like like the true NFT , if mihoyo really won't rerun any events?
    I can see someone with too much money and little self control would pay to fulfill their FOMO desires

  3. So basically they're saying "we hear your feedback, but aren't doing much about it" and they're too lazy to implement a feature to rerun old events to allow players to obtain past events rewards, very nice 🙃

  4. Festering Desire the hardest weapon but enjoyable to get . Many players always die fighting the cryo regisvine then respawn like a zombie hahaha the memories ..

    Dodging cryo regisvine killer move while watching the cold meter .

  5. Greedy company as always, they never do anything for the community.
    They don't care about any feedback or suggestions, and everytime you write them something we get the same reply from bots.
    "Thank you for your information and suggestion ~

    We will transfer your feedback to the Related Team, Thanks a lots for the valuable suggestion. It is very useful for us to improve Genshin Impact!"
    I have over 50 e-mails with suggestions and improvements sent to them, and i get the same reply.
    And the game can be much much better.

  6. Special items given to people who were at the start of the journey are just that. I was not there and will never get those items and I am fine with that, this is still the BEST F2P game I have ever seen.

  7. I joined the game when Festering Desire was out. I didn't get it though coz I was low AR and I didn't know how events go. Sadly, it's probably the best 4-star sword for Furina.

  8. Star Rail let's you stockpile your Resin or whatever it's called… I have over 3200+ in reserves 😮 and was allowed to use it many times to max out the 240 cap. They need to add the reserves system to genshin impact too

  9. If they aren't planning to give limited weapons out then at least make Albedo's available through the gacha banner or the crafting table. HYV making his bis/signature weapon unobtainable anymore was a stupid move. God i hate this shitty chinese company.

  10. You snooze you lose I guess. Tough luck newbies. Life isn't fair or easy. There are no shortcuts nor any redos in life, if there were it'd be easy.


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