3 Ways Genshin's "Weak" Characters Can Be Fixed | Genshin Impact

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We’re back with another theorycrafting video! Today I want to discuss different ways we can possibly see some of the weaker characters in Genshin getting a chance in the spotlight. Let’s hope Hoyo watches this video one day T_T

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37 thoughts on “3 Ways Genshin's "Weak" Characters Can Be Fixed | Genshin Impact”

  1. I really like the idea of unlocking a new elemental skill for each character, which you could then equip and swap between. Even if all they did was the Smash 4 approach of “same animations different properties (except Palutena and the mii fighters)” that could potentially give so much room to buff weaker characters. Obviously this would be a huge design undertaking, and sadly I doubt they would go for this approach because it wouldn’t immediately earn them any revenue, but the Traveller already does exactly this with their different elemental forms. I wouldn’t even care if extort more resin from us by making us grind talent levels for the new abilities, I just wish they had a system like that which allowed you more freedom to build characters towards different playstyles. Just think of the diversity it would add to team building!

  2. For content in which certain characters would be either optimal or required, those should either be optional, or meant for character you get guaranteed if it is part of the main quest.

  3. 9:08 that sounds a lot like Monster Sanctuary's combo system. You have three turns to execute moves and the more hits the first two moves make, the stronger the final move is

  4. You mean that each character could have a… delusion, perhaps?
    We've already seen Diluc use a Pyro delusion for some time with no drawbacks (in the manga), so it's possible that vision wielders are immune to their effects.
    (Also for Childe the damage is from the Foul Legacy, not his electro delusion)

    If they ever decide to add levels/skills/etc. well, knowing HYV they'd probably try to justify it in the main story.
    The delusions could be a possibility, then… when we get to know "the truth of this world" and potentially team up with the Tsaritsa against Celestia, why not use their technology 😀

  5. For me the best option you mention would be raising the character level limit to 100. Doing so could do a lot of things once the character reaches that level:
    – Unlocks a new passive
    – Adds 1 last level to the talents, as it could require yet another crown, it could be a big upgrade on a character (somehow maybe have it scale a bit more for older characters so that they match new ones)
    – Could even unlock a secondary skill as you mentioned but I think locking that this far into a character would make the investment needed to big to unlock new features

    or alternatively to a new skill/passive, maybe reaching lvl100 adds a secondary scaling on the character?
    Somewhat like Noelle switches to scaling more on DEF stats when reaching C5-6, maybe reaching level100 could make a character scale more off another stat that they didn't care much about before. Or for a more optimised path, maybe have that other useful stat scale off what they usually scale on.
    For example once Amber reaches level 100, maybe her crit DMG now gets a bonus based on her ATK stat. Meaning that all the investments players will have put into her gets rewarded when reaching that maximum level.

  6. Giving characters a 2nd elemental skill at lvl 100 sounds awesome. With only so little buttons to press every characters gameplay ends up feeling too similar and combat as a whole becomes pretty bland.

  7. I actually use the lumine in my normal team. ( why : whe I just stated j farmed resources for her/ him and not the others so now she's 90 and the others are 70-60 . ) She is verry good for swirl reactions and applying elemental damage.

  8. As long as they don't change the artifact system I couldn't care less what they do about the game. 1 set for the main dps is already hard enough, yet i need to build all of them? Heck no.

  9. TBH the idea to force characters in certain pieces of content is probably the WORST idea I have ever heard. All it does is push whales with all their units and hurts F2P since a lot of them probably won't have these characters and would also make the experience not fun since the boss NEEDS to be cleared a very specific way…

  10. As someone who played Brave Exvius, and since Brave Exvius is brought up

    don't play Brave Exvius, it'll suck the soul out of you (not as bad as GBF but still)

  11. I think that its not really hard to at least buff scalings and constellations on older characters with bringing "balance update" and maybe update some of their animations without touching characters kit way to much,but Im only dreaming for such thing and Amber buff to ever happen at this point.

  12. The Zhongli story is so funny considering how that sort of treatment wouldn’t be equal for all. He got the mega buff and Raiden Shogun was released almost explicitly to take advantage of the most popular/meta teams in genshin rather than simply make other Electro units better ( no I don’t think her working decently with Sara and Yae niko makes their clunky play styles that much more improved than without her). They spared no expense to make Raiden a popular and sought after character; the peak waifu bait right down to Dango milk and light novel shopping.

    Meanwhile, Venti? He was unsubtlely and painfully rendered a worse character to use than at launch with Inazuma’s release just to highlight how much more superior the new 5 star Anemo hotness, Kazuha will be for you instead of relying on him or even Sucrose. He and the other Anemo users never got adjustments to be able to affect the new mobs the way Kazuha could. Yes you can point to the story reasons that Venti was always considered the weakest and so wouldn’t be that wrong like Zhongli or Ei/Shogun (and proud of it) but that doesn’t make it less weird how other mortals can outclass him like Kazuha.

  13. I think the best way is to add another passive for bad/vanilla characters. The effect should give them just enough ability to play alongside the newer characters, like how Ayaka's special dash turns her from Cryo Keqing into an amazing cryo melee DPS.

    Like imagine if Amber stacked Pyro DMG% with every Pyro hit like, Husk. It would synergise well with her multi-hit burst, C2 multi-arrow charge shot, Baron Bunny AOE taunt + explosion. Or if Keqing had this with Crit DMG% instead, so you'd use her E AOE and burst to buff her damage, making her like C1 Eula.

  14. Dragon ball legends has a good approach to this. When they see that a character feels weak they give them a "zenkai" meaning that you can upgrade them further compared to every other character. And the way you do this is by spending more resources and copies of said character. This way any1 can get better AND hoyo still makes bank, altho for 5* can be rough. Maybe increase cons levels and make it so you can farm after c6 or something.

  15. Personally, I like the idea of adding a higher power ceiling, with new systems, for one simple reason. The current character progression systems are mind-bogglingly boring.

    Think about it. Over the entire 90 levels we have in Genshin, we only get two meaningful power jumps, and one is at the FIRST ascension. And everything besides those power jumps is nothing but flat numbers. As a result, at least 90% of what you do to improve your characters feels like busywork, especially in the case of having to get low-level characters up just to deal with Genshin's level scaling. You can invest resources into characters, but 99% of the time it's for the most boring shit imaginable, like slightly higher attack ratios or slightly higher base stats. I just want some new system that makes raising characters up feel more meaningful.

  16. The ironic part about genshin is that its progressing extremely slowly compared to most gachas. Since most gachas add about 5 characters per month, Genshin doesnt have to resort to Power creeping as much since they can focus on filling different niches. The ironic part though is they seem to have not found how to implement these niches appropriately. Ive not met a person who is excited to face the golden wolf because they are "forced" to use a geo character. I personally dont like azdaha's "have a shielder or bust" mechanic particularly because I dont have a shielder besides noelle or thoma, nor do i have those characters invested or built. I think they did strike a better balance on the Raiden weekly "electro ball check". I think they should focus on adding more mechanics based things that are faster/more effective if you have them but don't cripple you/create a feels bad moment for the player.

  17. Im a proud chongyun main and i really hope at some point, Genshin changes most of the earlier characters, i rewlly love diluc too but he needs some reworks on passive, same to my icecle boy

  18. While you did mention awakening quests, I dont think they are as bad as you think. FGO does awakening quests for older characters all the time and they either update the character's skill to something more modern or simply increase the damage of their Noble Phantasm (burst if we're relating to Genshin). I feel like this is a simple and effective way to buff older units without really needing to touch newer ones. Hell even FGO doesn't really give out awakening/interlude quests to newer units until they become a few years behind the meta.

    A good example is OG Saber. She was a year 1 unit and had to receive up to 4 quests to become one of the best AOE clearing servants in the game. I'm not saying Genshin needs to go that far, but if we're talking keeping older units up to date with modern ones, I feel like awakenings isn't a bad idea.

  19. Zhongli was weaker than Noelle, nit really a good comparison. I believe she is highly slept on. She can hit hard enough to clear abyss and maybe the best thing about her is that she deals good damage, has a shield and can heal. This allows more versatile team building bc you kinda need a healer and or shield w itto. And she doesnt lose her burst when you switch out. Making her very forgiving in rotation. Her only limitation is she kinda needs a geo team 😂

  20. I would like Lisa to get a bit of rework because playing as her is very clunky. Her Burst is great but I would really only change her skill and her charge attack. I would get rid of the lightning ball press of her skill, and replace it with a smaller AOE of the hold version, and make the charged version charge up quicker than it usually does. I would also make her conductive status activate through her charged attack, and change her Induced Aftershock talent to increase the amount of Conductive stacks with however many enemies were hit, still with a max of 3. I think this would make her less slow and more straightforward and less prone to being hit. Of course, there might have to be some damage nerfs to her skill with these changes but it would be cool if this is how she played.


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