3.6 BANNERS CONFIRMED? | Genshin Impact

3.5 Phase 1 hasn’t even finished yet, and it seems like we already have a pretty good idea of the banners in in 3.6. It’s kind of scary to predict or discuss future banners after how badly Hoyoverse trolled us with the 3.5 banners. It’s also kind of worrying that Eula might not come in 3.6.
Okay so, according to early leaks and popular speculations, the banners will consist of the following:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/veeayyofcl
Music – City Lights by Aylex

#genshinimpact #baizhu #kazuha


42 thoughts on “3.6 BANNERS CONFIRMED? | Genshin Impact”

  1. as someone who got scara on his first banner cause ive wanted him ever since he showed up in the fake skies event (i dont remember the name), so i really hope eula comes for a rerun soon and kazuha a little later so i have time to save for him aswell.

  2. I personally am 90% sure for rerun of eula… Most banners had the chars from the Recently Events… and eula Showed up! Even just a short moment. Shenhe was rerun as well as she appeared in the last event.
    I am not 100% sure but the characters of the last Events are most Likely to be on the next banners.
    So for me even Klee is in this possible rerun but not kazuha…
    And what about Kaveh? He has the same chance as beizhou… well if we count both banner well those two are 95% safe…

  3. But… either way… I think we ALL agree the bannersystem needs another change right?… and hey even free2play people suffer from too many useless weapons…
    It's time to actually change and fix some things in genshin…
    Btw as a real old player… I was shocked that new people don't get any freemos like me back in the beginning… I Was able to make a ten pull every week!!
    I started 2 new accounts and it's for real!!! U get barely pulls what the heck?!
    It's something I really hate as I am a person of high value for equal rights!
    What the hell is this developer thinking?! Are there so many whales that casual people are not needed?!
    That's a big no go…
    And if I see those post where people going insane over just a few pulls…
    I am dissapointed about their moneymanagement skills…
    Imagine u get a 10 pull for (in my case) 30€ and a lonely skin (dilucs) costs the same!!! WITHOUT character!!!
    I would rather buy skins in league of legends… (which I haven't played for years because of the toxic community)
    The wasting so much money on a single skin…
    Btw for all people who met my 4 stars with skin… they were all for free! I almost never missed a single event! Only the anniversary because the Support is the most crap in the whole gamerworld.

  4. i main kazuha and i want his constellations. the last time i was trying to get his cons and fucking qiqi appeared 😭😭 now i'm scared and i want baizhu too AND I'M F2P😭😭

  5. Well more speculation came by and said that instead of wanderer is ganyu for the speculation that i have seen is going to go like:
    phase 1: Baizhu and Ganyu
    phase 2: Nahida and Nilou with Kaveh
    phase 1: Zhongli and Kazuha
    phase 2: Kokomi and Yoimiya or Yae miko
    phase 1: Klee and Venti
    phase 2: Eula and Wanderer


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