[3.5] Who Controls Fate in Teyvat? | Genshin Impact Theory

Hey guys, Chop here! To finish off 3.5 just before 3.6 launches, I thought I’d run back a theme that’s never been more prevalent throughout Genshin than during the Caribert archon quest: fate. The Loom of Fate is established and hinted at somewhat, but what I find more interesting is who actually controls it. To answer who the weavers of fate are, we firstly have to identify the shades and reveal their domains and names, as well as look into the tale of the Moon Sisters and the constellations that fill the night sky in Teyvat. There’s a lot in this theory and it pretty much boils down to the achievements in Enkanomiya being the first clue, so I hope that it’s easy enough to follow along. This will certainly be prevalent in future theory videos, which I hope to see you guys in. Until then, however… Chop out, bye!


Tuna’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tunaafishyy
Roozevelt’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@roozeveltfox
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChopSensei
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[3.5] How Rhinedottir Caused the Cataclysm | Genshin Impact Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngyupPAFM9o

[3.5] Why Was Khaenri’ah Destroyed? | Genshin Impact Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC_XD3IzRHA

[3.5] Gnostic Chorus Revealed and Explained | Genshin Impact Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbZWi97QsU

[3.5 Archon Quest] Who is the “Sinner”? | Genshin Impact Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8j7HqkidEw

Elemental Colour Theory | Genshin Impact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R-9St94pOg


Timestamps TBD


40 thoughts on “[3.5] Who Controls Fate in Teyvat? | Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I just can’t wait to see what Fontaine brings to us, lore wise!!! I’m also SO EXCITED to find out more about the cataclysm and everything the Fatui’s got goin on, ugh!! I’m just can’t wait lmao!!

  2. It's funny how that whole "theory" about the 5 artifact types being meaningful took off. There's no basis for it, right? It's… not even a guess so much as a fanciful "what if"? The game mentions there were four Shades but with the possible exception of the creation one (who could be Istaroth again) and the Sustainer being powerful so maybe a Shade (who could be Istaroth again), the only Shade talked about is Istaroth and she seems to pop-up all over the place, although I suppose it's only Enka, Mondstadt and Ei's speculation about Makoto needing some help. Still she appears to be a busy little bee and no other Shades ever do anything. A huge asymmetry. But your theory is based on symmetry. Life and Death, Time and Space, opposites and symmetries. But if that's the case then why haven't we seen any other Shade or ever even been given a name directly? They're not going to be like team Harbinger. Or like the Seven. Even the Hexenzirkel gave us more to work with. So I just don't think we'll ever see any of the other Shades. If we do it'll be absolutely minimal like that wordless image from Venti's imagination of three shadowy figures in Celestia (in the Manga). I agree about the names of the other Shades (except the 4th is named "Phanes") but just the fact that their names are mentioned so obscurely tells me they play no role in the game story. If anything it's their absence that demands an explanation.

  3. so, how do the twins play a role in all of this? i couldn't help but think that the morning and evening stars are tied to them. no evidence provided, just trying to make sense out of this primordial deities mess, specially since i kinda subscribe to the theory of teyvat perhaps being their original planet.

  4. I think

    Are the moon sisters
    I think it's resonable to asume kairos is sonnet (cuz ventis trailer)

    The moon sisters aren't all dead 2 crumbeled not died crumbeled

    One moon is the corpse the question is witch shade/moon is dead

  5. The two shades being the morning and the evening stars makes me wonder if they have a connection to the twins. We know that they also refer to themselves as stars. Also, the morning and evening star is essentially the same star but at different times which relates with how the twins are the same people who embarked on their journeys at different times. Also the travelers character card says that "you are the one that should own their own world" which makes them sound like they are the heirs to rule a world. If we think that the shades are the heirs of the primordial one it could make sense that the twins are the shades. But in this case the sustainer cannot be a shade because they do not recognize Lumine and Aether. In this scenario the sustainer could be the second who came?

  6. Maybe the sustainer isn't a shade but the second who came. We know that the shades disappeared after the battle with the second who came. We don't know the outcome of the battle but I assume the primordial one lost as a whole new system was implemented with the shades disappearing and archons being appointed. Also I don't think the vision system existed at the time of the primordial one but I'm not sure.

  7. I had a crazy idea after you posted this that the Shade of "space" may not be the sustainer at all but instead literally the shade of the abyss. Which means they possibly became corrupt themselves when forbidden knowledge , descenders and things came from outside the shell that the primordial one put up to protect from those very things.
    Since you have the shade of LIFE in direct opposition to the shade of Death. Istaroth of TIME may well be in opposition to the Shade of Space (which is maybe DARK fate, self defined fate, very much in alignment to what the sinner wants) The loom of fate.

  8. Great vid indeed.
    I agree with almost every thing .
    Except the part where you explained the color theory. Not the theory itself of course, but I kinda disagreed with how you compared it with the shades. You'll see why I said kinda.

    I don't think going by color is the most accurate because Istaroth has other names such as the Undying Wind, or Thousand Winds of Time.
    The Original name for the statue in Inazuma was
    "The Thousand Armed Hundred Eyed God"
    And on her chest you can see an "eye of the storm"

    The game has primary elements such
    Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water.
    And subsidiary elements like electro which is energy.
    Cryo which is just crystalized water.
    And dendro which is plant life that requires other elements.

    Our theory can be merged together to say.
    The Four shades have a primary element…
    Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water.
    And by using your color theory we can deduced their secondary element.

    God Of Time: Time, Wind, and Electro
    God Of Space: Space and Geo
    God Of Life: Life, Water, and Dendro
    God Of Death: Death and Pyro
    Which just leaves Cryo for speculation

  9. oh my gosh your theories are amazing!! I really wanted to bring up this one screenshot I saw from tears of themis which says "The treasure's guardians, Cain, Asmodeus Agares, Paimon and Phenex." Crazy to me that the name Phenex appears here too!!!

  10. you know it’s actually really good that you bring up the shade of death while also bringing up Phenex, as being based off of the bird Phoenix, which, by the way, it is canonically, proven from the lavawalker set said that there is phoenixes, that was with the lavawalker before they died.

    Also with the bird having ties with Ressurection, we do have a nation that’s coming out next year Natlan, who’s archon quest is called incandescent ode to Ressurection.. so hopefully if my guess correct, then the shade of death will have a connection to that line, or the Pyro archon is a shade we know almost, if not all of nothing about her, besides her being the God of war, and she has yet to share a secret with the traveler…

  11. Then who is Paimon? Clearly Paimon is somehow important to the overarching lore of the story. No chance they would drop so many hints thay she’s different from everyone else in the world if she weren’t important. The archons don’t remember Paimon so she’s either been gone since before 6k years ago (before Morax was around) or she’s a recent creation or form of some other unrecognized god.

    Also why does she share so many design similarities with who I assume is a moon sister on the welkin moon blessing?

  12. I think that Irminsul is the original Loom of Fate and the Abyss Order's plan is to create a new Irminsul that can process Forbidden Knowledge, allowing Hilichurls and Khaenri'ahns to bypass the Curse of Immortality and return to the leylines.

  13. I think fate could be described as following:
    – The start of fate – life
    – The end of fate – death
    – When it will happen – time
    – Where it will happen – space
    – What will happen – "logos"/word

    Assuming that "Logos" is for Heavenly Principles, then if they are dormant, then it leaves a some wiggle room in possible fates. For the Traveler, that would set in stone that they will travel somewhere in order, between being born and dying (which gives a lot of time in-between), but what will happen during that journey is unspecified. It will be fated whom to meet, but not how the interaction will go.

    Forbidden Knowledge might a knowledge how to remove or alter certain aspects of fate.
    – By tampering with the aspect of "logos", you can do anything, but only in specified time and space. It might be the art of Khemia.
    – By tampering with the aspect of "space", you might teleport or create domains. Waypoints could do that.
    – By tampering with the aspect of "time", you can do things out of order, like what Ei and Makoto did with Sacred Sakura, as well as the compass in the Chasm.
    – By tampering with the aspect of "death", you will be immortal, but that doesn't increase the amount of things you were fated to do. It could be the fate of hillichurls.
    – By tampering with the aspect of "life", you could become a different form of life. Signora could have done this to herself, which turned her into elemental being.

  14. This explanation made me think my theory is more right.
    I think paimon isgod of time and unknown god isgod of space.
    And traveller being other two.

    Well idk which sibling is which. Abyss sibling could be shade of death or life.Well death most suits but since one shade did create life. If it was abyss sibling they could be sad and angry about death of creations they made.

    (Travller could be shade of death as we like to kill abyss creatures for some primos 😂).

    But idk if paimon is God of time. If weaving fate of others by life death and time could make them close. Could make sense why traveller and paimon trusts each other even they don't much about each other.

    But paimon could be follower too. She is close lucifer who is morning star and follows them according to ars goetia.
    You told other possibility that god of space was evil. I thought maybe she was not but only captured us and sealed to make us remind us.

  15. For the last few patches I've subscribed to the theory that Paimon is either a shade or the Primordial One (though I'm not too sure about the latter). If Paimon is a shade (my headcanon chalks her down to being Istaroth), she should also resemble the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles if she is a shade since they originate from the same person. If the Primordial One created shades or copies of itself, you'd expect them to resemble each other, right? Kinda like how Dottore took different segments of himself that all look mostly identical. Paimon and the Sustainer both have striking similarities, which is why the fandom has assumed for so long that they are one in the same. Why Istaroth would be reduced to such a state is beyond me, but we know it can happen to gods (Rukkha & Guoba). While we are still very far from reaching the truth, we're definitely getting closer.

  16. There is an Easter Egg in Tears of Themis which name drops Paimon, Asmodeus, Phenex, Agares, and Cain altogether as guardians of a treasure. 4+1 😮 And then it also name drops Urania as an evil usurper who drives them all away.

  17. I just have one problem and it is with your claim of 4 shades being 4 colors. There is only 3 prime colors; there is some freedom in in which 3 colors you use, but it has to be exactly 3. Maybe 4 if you use the logic of printers and use black as a filler pigment, but that would cause way too many problems biggest of which is that would make the primordial one black(all pigments mixed) instead of white.

    Personally, I don't think it breaks the theory. Actually I think might make it stronger. It seems pretty obvious that one of the shades is fundamentally different from the others and of your list of 4 colors it just so happens that yellow would be the one that isn't prime(with the others).

  18. My question has always been, why did the god of space stop the twins from leaving. If she felt them as a threat, why not just let them leave? I don't think she is evil, if she wanted the twins to stay….. I think because of fate being out of control, that she forced them to stay? Maybe she is simply using the twins to get fate back and killing them after? She defeated them once, maybe she thinks she can do it again. I think a lot of things will come together once we understand her purpose as to why she made them stay.

  19. I think Aamon might be already taken as King Deshret's Demon name is Amun. What about Lucifer? Lucifer Morningstar the Lightbringer. I think there was another character who's name wasn't in the art goetia, I can't remember who but I think ashikai mentioned it in one of her videos

  20. there's also the mysterious achievement: Kara's child. you get it when you use a four leaf sigil for the first time. we don't know anything about who Kara is or the significance of the four leaf sigils at all, and why they're only in sumeru so far. it's a bit of a stretch, but your proposal that Khora might be the shade of Space may hold water here, just misspelled as Kara.

  21. another thing I also want to add on that might just be an odd coincidence is at 9:46 with the explanations of; Time, Life, Death, and Space; with 4 gods is also something seen in Mexica (Aztec) mythology via Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, Tlāloc, and Huītzilōpōchtli.

    Tezcatlipoca is the god of the night sky, hurricaines, obsidian, and conflict
    Quetzalcoatl is associated with the wind, venus, the sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge and learning
    Tlāloc is the god of rain and associated with earthly fertility and water
    Huītzilōpōchtli is the god of war and sacrifice and is a solar deity

    so one could argue that the 4 main deities of Mexica mythology have a role as well (although the connections may seem vague I will try to elaborate more)

    Tezcatlipoca = Time, being associated with the night sky, which is a time of day; thus being time
    Quetzalcoatl = Life, associated with things like merchants, learning, etc which is apart of life; is also literally connected to Venus; i.e the morning star
    Tlāloc = Death, ik this might sound weird, but Tlāloc does have a "paradise" afterlife world called Tlālōcān
    Huītzilōpōchtli = Space, Huītzilōpōchtli weilds a weapon called Xiuhcoatl, which has several associations to the sun and various sun deities in Mexica mythology

    it could all be a strech however I do find it interesting

  22. we could make a case for Lumine actly being the primordial one, and aether being the CUP of Space shade. maybe this is true, since the in gnostic hymm, the first heir forgets who they are, looking for the genesis pearl, maybe lumine came, created teyvat, forgot who was, then her shade came for her, aether… but also forgot, something to do with irmunsul interference. that acly could be why Lumine has a record on this world, and the other twin doesn't

  23. Tinfoil hat moment, but Lumie has a flower in her hair and Aether has a feather in his. I personally think they are the twin stars, Hesperus and Phosphorus, corresponding to their accessories. So, Lumine is phospho, etc. Or, if they aren't them, they may have some kind of tie to them (maybe these shades helped them or something?) Either way, food for thought.


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