[3.5] Gnostic Chorus Revealed and Explained | Genshin Impact Theory

Hey guys, Chop here! In this Genshin Impact theory video for the 3.5 updated version of the game, I revisit the Genshin Gnostic Chorus/Hymn story teaser using our new knowledge from the 3.5 Archon Quest. I discuss a few theories, debunk the Traveler theory and explore my favourite theory for this Genshin Impact lore. With names like Phanes, the Primordial One, the Second Who Came, the “Sinner”, Dainsleif, Paimon, Celestial gods and more all theorised in this video, I hope that I can get your minds ticking with this lore and theory. I do rely on my previous theory “[3.5 Archon Quest] Who is the “Sinner”? | Genshin Impact Theory” as well as slightly using my “Elemental Colour Theory | Genshin Impact” to help me verify this theory. I’ll leave links to them below, in case you haven’t seen them, because they’ll certainly help with understanding some of the topics discussed in this video. Until my next video however, I’ll see you next time. Chop out, bye!


Ashikai’s “Fan-made Animation-Pt.1 | 3 mins to know about Teyvat’s Secret History: Before Sun & Moon” video that was used for some of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWZGaniZEIc
Yahwings’ “The Hymn of the Pearl: EXPLAINED” video that had animation I used for some of the video (I do not know if he was the real creator of this animation, but I could find no other source): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYznsOzCWJg


[3.5 Archon Quest] Who is the “Sinner”? | Genshin Impact Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8j7HqkidEw

Elemental Colour Theory | Genshin Impact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R-9St94pOg

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChopSensei

My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chopchop02


31 thoughts on “[3.5] Gnostic Chorus Revealed and Explained | Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I saw a few videos about the gnositic chorus and and always wonder why nobody mention that it could just be the traveler journey. Now I understand why xD.
    Would that be lazy work ? I don't necessarly agree on that. If you look at the Archons quests in general the plot is kind of well written (for the most part) but never overly complicated.
    I really like that little story and there is a quite a few characters who can fill theses roles so I don't want exclude the traveler(s) just yet.
    I also think that the Genesis pearl may not be a literal pearl but I agree with the idea of beginning of something
    Really cool video

  2. The Snake and the Pearl remind me of Watatsumi Island (I mean the tempel has giant clams all around it) and the giant snakegod Raiden killed. And Enkanomiya has definitly something to do with the Abyss.

  3. I'm honestly really happy with this except with the naming scheme. I would argue looking at the different dubs for Genshin and how they name the twins would be more beneficial. Something that encompasses and explains all of them, if there is an answer, would be amazing.

    Anyway, I was actually thinking the same thing after completing the newest Archon Quest. To me, the Gnostic Chorus is the story about the Heavenly Principles and the Sinner. It all lines up too perfectly with Enkanomiyan texts and stories when put into this context. I especially love it when you were trash talking the "Gnostic Chorus is about the twins" theory that people try to say is fact. It often just feels like more propaganda about Aether being the "canonical" traveler than actually being a theory, seeing as it's usually supported by nothing but gender. The fact that the Sinner's voice is male when Teyvat's pantheon, including Sustainer, Istaroth, and the Moon Sisters, is predominantly female also puts this theory about the Gnostic Chorus way up above anything else I've heard so far.

    As for the serpent shown in the Chorus, do you think it could have been a representation of the Dragon Sovereigns? Vishaps come in many forms, and it wouldn't surprise me if there were snake-like dragons ala Eastern mythology.

  4. Juste realise something while watching the battle pass cutscene. In nahida's allegorical tale dottore is picture as some kind of monster because that how he discribe himself.

    Now for the battle pass we saw a serpent keeping a pearl called the Genesis pearl. And rather than a god keeping a treasure or some kind of power we already know a serpent who supposed to keep something.
    Dain the (coincidentally) captain of "Black serpent" knights, with the title of Bough Keeper. And he did take a pearl like object that was never mention again, the eye of the first Ruin guard (not saying that the pearl)
    That and his famous line ''Show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her"

    Really coincidental

  5. Given what you say we could conclude that the primodial one was paimon who then forgot about the genesis pearl thinking she was part of teyvat (being a guide!) The second who came could very well then be YOU (the traveller) so that way paimon is actually your true sibling, the abyss sibling then could just be a copy of you and not your real sibling 🙂 I know this is a weirder theory even than what you have with no evidence at all.

  6. The queen of the kingdom of darkness is the snake. She poisoned the pearl and when the princess went to get it, she got poisoned with forbidden knowledge. Lost her memory and became her prince. It's basically the tale of the snake and the apple. Adan and Eve. The forbidden knowledge. The queen snake uses her venom to defend her kingdom. The venom is obviously the forbidden knowledge and the abyss is her kingdom.

  7. But why in the end after Venti said about how second prince went on his journey, he says "it's YOUR story, it's YOUR journey", and it definitely the words for a player, so for Aether/Lumine
    I don't know, I'm confused

  8. i picked lumine and have been misgendered several times if i remember right its usually wrong pronoun in voice lines, well at least a few. i concluded the ability

  9. Pretty solid, but how does the traveler fit into this story. By the logic of your theory won't the Prince be the main protagonist of the story (the prince of the gnostic hymn)

  10. This theory is so on point its actually insane, very believable!

    Personnally I think the serpent is Marana the name of the abyss I also think it is the Night Mother

    Édit: about the sizygy, its true that its everywhere in Genshin.
    Recently we got Barbeloth, mona's Master, a powerful sorceress and hydro mancer.
    Just like Histaroth is linked to the demon Astaroth Barbeloth of Genshin could be linked to the Aeon Barbelo ???

  11. Not bad. But the Abyss has been depicted as a cosmic horror level bad guy in v3.x so I don't think they're going to try and do a 180 and then try to make them the hero of the overall story. 2nd who came is therefore more likely to be the snake. I wrote up a similar theory which you can find by Goolgin, "extra-Teyvatian Gnostic Chorus theory — Primordial One=1st heir, Twins=2nd heir"

  12. I do think the extra-Teyvatian theories have the best chance of working out though. This is the only one I've seen that I didn't come up with. Placing the heavenly kingdom and the King who sends out the 1st heir off planet and far far away means we never have to answer who is the King, and so we don't have to have the PO as the King. However it's clear the PO and the Twins both come from the same homeworld for reasons having nothing to do with the Gnostic Chorus but rather the simple observation that the PO is on a mission to populate a world with humans, and the Twins already are humans. In other words the PO didn't invent humans but was themselves invented by humans. The Drunkard's Tale says that humans used to be god-like beings until a catastrophe struck them, which catastrophe presumably explains the weapons and the wings that have text talking about the Twins' destroyed homeworld the last world of humanity, and therefore directly or indirectly, the origin of the PO too.

  13. Interesting theory!
    I think the "sinner" is the one who grants visions to humans. He uses their ambition to empower them, and enough vision wielders could rival the power of the gods!
    That is his plan, he is against the gods who imprisoned him and seeks their downfall.

    Anyway, good video!

  14. I think the genesis pearl is what let someone reset the world (since it is implied a lot in the story that the world of teyvat is dying and will need to be destroyed to be reborn anew).

    My crack theory is that the prince is Kaeya, since he is called khaenriah's "last hope" (which could mean that there was someone else before him as their hope) and because he was sent on a mission in another country and is slowly started to forget his hometown since he don't have (currently) contact with it. Also, it would be logic for Venti to tell this chorus/prophesy to Kaeya since they see each others regularly at the tavern. 😅

    No idea who the first heir/princess would be tho.. paimon? someone we still don't know? someone the traveller's sibling replaced as princess/prince of khaenriah with Irminsul's power of making knowledge disappear?

  15. You might be onto something, the kingdom is symbolized by three stars and what kind of effect preceded Sustainer's appearance in the intro? Three stars aligned, she emerged from the middle one.

  16. The Chasm Underground is not only upside down, it is literally rotated 180°.
    ALL entrance & exit gates are on the other side of the map when you compare both Underground & Above ground maps.


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