3.1 Spiral Abyss Might be the easiest version since 1.6 for F2P | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Floor Breakdown
2:13 – 11-1
4:25 – 11-2
6:01 – 11-3
7:55 – 12-1
10:22 – 12-2
12:55 – 12-3
14:50 – Artifacts / Talents

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26 thoughts on “3.1 Spiral Abyss Might be the easiest version since 1.6 for F2P | Genshin Impact”

  1. What was that 12-3-2 Run? Idk if it's bad RnG for me… but everytime I chunk 15% of it's HP it always go to that Invisible mechanics. It never went that smoothly. I had to change to teams. ffs.

  2. The hardest Abyss was when we had no units, after that I can't remember a ''hard'' one. Maybe some annoying ones, but not hard at all. Like the one you had to have two freezing units both floors, that's not hard, that's annying af if you don't have the units for it.

  3. Yeah pretty much, not much annoying mobile mobs, not much cc, not much of very high tanky mob. I have to try at least 2 or 3 times in the last abyss because it's really annoying to deal with. And I one tapped this clown cycle of abyss.

  4. You can probably clear this with 3 characters each half if your characters are really well built. I haven't tried that yet but I only used half the time given except 12-3 since I'm not familiar with the new boss. This abyss is not a dps check, nor an elemental check. I bet even AR40 can 9 star floor 12

    Edit: ok I 9 star'ed with 3 characters. First half kazuha mona zhongli, second half yae raiden Bennett.

  5. Just did the abyss and I agree 99% with you. That last boss however….. I tried to use Itto on second half for fun and it worked fine untill I got to 12-3. That stupid boss goes invisible and his constructs dont generate particles on hit and they require someone with fast atk speed to break fast. Switched to national on second half, went back and destroyed him with 30+ sec remaining but the point is he's not high HP he just a typical time waster which is super annoying.

  6. Didn't know that Big doritos machine can be dealt easily with Electro. Still easy 36* without Electro or Anemo tho.
    My teams:
    1st half: Hu Tao, Ganyu, Mona and Yanfei
    2nd half: Yoimiya, Yelan, Yunjin and Zhongli

  7. I think the game is getting even more casual judging by the current new 5 stars' power level. No point in going for cons or chasing Meta 5 stars. Just invest in all the OG 4 stars for the abyss and get whoever you want. Not that wishing just to get 36 stars was ever a good idea since it is at most 100 primos, not even 1 wish every 2 weeks. Not at all worth it if you don't like the character imo.

  8. I wouldn't say that.
    Last abyss, I actually opened up my f2p account that is not only f2p but I also only spent like 13 or 15 months on it. And it still 9* abyss
    And the important part is that I haven't went into that account in the past like 5 months so, all the stuff it had are 'old'


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