For all my fancy titling, this is more of less a compilation of random trains of thought and observations I had about the trailer and livestream (lore/story only! That means I won’t be talking about the Anime or Card game announcements or anything related to the anniversary).
Now that I’ve had time to digest the news and process it, I AM MORE EXCITED THAN EVER!
Morbious is his child? Guess it's..MORBIN TIME
Since you mention about how a Archon/God's power are related to the people worshipping, and that in Sumeru there is somewhat a split between people worshipping the previous and current Dendro Archon, with the previous seem to have the most majority. Do the Aranara count? The Aranara recognize and acknowledged both the Dendro Archon and while not explicitly worshipping them to a religious degree, are their acknowledgment/respect count towards the people's worship towards the Archon and how it affects their power?
The P.A.I.M.O.N part.. OMG!!!! If is not true idk how they will explain Paimon, now that we know she is probably a remaining of the Seele race, the A.S.I.M.O.N/P.A.I.M.O.N thing is too good to be a coincidence..
I’ve never heard of this seelie stuff can you make vid on it?
Yup. I call it Asimon as well
– I know the ASIMON thing is an Asimov reference in CN. Just trust me when I say I'm going somewhere with the Paimon thing. That theory has existed in other forms since 2.5, and this honestly wouldn't be the first time the translation team has made odd choices that weirdly work with far-fetched ideas of mine. 😛
– Also a CN note: I did check what Enjou said about Dvalin being a Vishap in CN and it does differ from EN. He doesn't use the same term for vishap and instead uses the more generic term for dragon but does compare him to the bathysmal vishaps. I couldn't really decide what I thought about that while writing the script so I left it out.
notice how the purple stuff flowing into scaramouche looks like archon residue
So I haven't seen ALL your videos, but there is one potentially interesting topic that I don't think you touched yet, maybe.
Yesterday night I was playing and I noticed an interesting thing on the login screen, the moon, it wasn't a full moon.
The light was shifted to the side, like a crescent moon and stuff. Maybe that gives a hint about the world structure and where the hell IS the login screen space, since you CAN see the moon, it might actually be on the same space as Teyvat.
Just something I wanted to share if, for some reason, that detail went by unnoticed.
Great videos by the way, my mind is usually blown.
3:25 wait where did it say the unknown god's code name? like in the game's code??
I wonder, considering its confirmed that Teyvat can be easily observed on the imaginary tree, assuming the Asimon, or potentially Paimon system, could be a fragment of the observation system used for viewing across the imaginary tree and its how our Paimon seems to know a lot of baseline knowledge constantly and how Honkai can view some of Teyvat.
I could not find evidence for the Paimon vs Paimon email
Personal theory/fanfic: Lumine obeys the Cryo archon, Cryo archon is very related to what happend in the past because of the ice. Things get stuck and never changing in Ice, the Ice remebers the ancient times.
Yk what… What is baizhu is scarlet king cuz many parallels between those two
I'm really interested in how hoyoverse is gonna redeem the fatui, since there's a lot of people saying they're gonna be playable. I really wanna know your thoughts and theories on how they're gonna do it.
Who else repeated the intro for the "To go to the desert" too?
What if "Samael" is actually the archon name of thr greater lord
Waking world you seem woven from the stuff of dreams, all shall fade away…
your voice remind me of yoimiya, i think it's cute
11:24 we do in fact know the names for all the Fatui members: they are from an Italian theater piece,way back in the 1800 or rather say 1600-1700 ,that represent each and every personality trait of a person( personality traits like: deceiving, scamming, revenge, lying, leading, stealing etc which are traits that are NOT to be proud of). It was a crucial moment for me to gaze such a delightful video because i was pondering upon these questions: "after whom are The Fatui named? Are they just simply Russian names? But they are Italian names. Why did the devs decide to create them? Do they serve any result for the Cataclism? Or are they trying to save Tevyat from the Cataclysm? (Because we are 500 years in the future)". There are only two Fatui members named after devil's, but i can't remember which one(it was definitely not Childe or Scaramouche, but the upper Harbingers).Now i can't remember quite well the video I've saw in the past about them, but it was definitely a conspiracy video regarding The Fatui. After seeing that video, the contents that followed in game after connected regarding the originals of this association, though many things are still under the snow and it's still a mystery 'till this day 🙂
remember, don't explore with female characters in the sand area and don't sit in the sand area with female characters because sand can get into the cracks.
Love your voice, love your theories, love your videos! 😻 Always looking forward to more ♥️
Oh no…who is the Scarlett King?! 😭
I think those are corps of thirty not eremites
What if at the last moment when traveler goes to touch katherynes hand kusanali posseses the traveler?? Prett cool right lmfao??
Aranara: my business is with the Nara tonight…of rock and stone…
sounds of wailing Aranara as they gather near the walls of Akademiya
Aranara:brum brum come my friends, Aranara is going to war…it is likely that we go…to our doom…
Last March….of the Aranara.
Pretty sure Asmodeus is the Lust rings God-💀 (srry if i spelt Asmodeus wrong-)
Or is it just Me?
Hi Ashikai and viewers
I am an newbie Story/lore analyst and I like your lore explanation video
I am working on an theory called Start Story Theory where I review/read lore from Start create an Story out of my understanding and with my/others theory assumptions and speculations.
There is irrespective to lore and respective to lore too but mostly I will post respective to lore.
But I need alot theories to add to the story
So can PPL share all the theories that you guys created assumed or speculated
But it would be revised and check (except theory) with the lore.
Thanks lol maybe this would help me with my research.
I would share this on someday by creating an discord server in future called Story Analysis Club but it is in future. For now I am an lonely researcher
She should also be doing these videos for one piece.. she has good theory though
I don't know if You already saw that but Dendro statues of the Seven are different then previous 3 when we use elemental sight. IF it's intentional and I hope it is What do u think is the reason for this? Some quest ralated future change? How? Why?
Btw I don't know if U'll even read this but if u do is thit the best way to comunicate with u or do u hang around or have your own discord channel for example?
it would actually kinda make sense if there was some sort of abyss queen/king that the abyss twin reports too, seeing as they're called the prince(ss)
all the archon's names are based on some demos of hell
maybe scaras name will be a demons name
you're incredible ashikai
The P.A.I.M.O.N theory is exordinary! Hope to see more video on this!
Hey, love your vids Ashi 😁. Btw i recently saw The Sandman TV show and they where talking about Lucifer that (in this case she) is a fallen angel Samael which is basicaly the same as Samiel. So I was wondering if there's some deeper conection between Lucifer and Samael or nothing🤷♂️.
Anyway, you sad you're going to make a Samiel video so I'm really looking forward to that 😅
I bet khaenri'ah worked close with sumeru /desert
The abyss queen us 1000% the nightmother
In antiquity Paimon was a demon! its on wiki
has anyone linked Corrosion and the loss of memory to the way the aranara's powers are connected to memories yet? I feel like there is something there.
You know, as I take my pre-patch walk, I realized that we have probably already connected to the P.A.I.M.O.N. network—through the Statues of the Seven. We're certainly able to "borrow" the power of the gods through them, and they're also networked to each other. And then the Archons are connected to Celestia, or rather P.A.I.M.O.N. through the Gnosis…
Does the Tsaritsa want all the Gnoses so she can hack Celestia's computer?!
i want to say that i think……… enjou should become playable
It's The Human Intrumentality Project all over again. The Sages are Genshin's version of Seele LOL
OOHH OHH THE LEYLINE MEMORY FLUID CAN BE CONECTED TO THE TREE THAT WE SEE FALLING APART WHEN TRAVELER IS KNOCKEDOUT (i forgot how its called) that also could kinda explain why its destroyed but idk yet havent finnished the full quest