My best attempt at predicting the rerun banners for the rest of this year (2022) from 2.8 to 3.2 Feel free to leave your predictions below!!
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They will need to release a new cryo character if they want Shenhe's banner to do well
🌸😹It would be prediction to yield hope to some and prediction that would yield despair to others,😹🌸
Pyro seem to be a little bit quiet recently after Yoimiya. Just waiting for Semeru preview.
I always enjoy your predictions, and these seem like they could be fairly accurate. Besides Kazuha (who I will certainly pull), I have every character I want at this point up to Sumeru, so I'm glad I can focus on saving primos and materials rather than constantly spending. Looking forward to the Sumeru characters for sure though.
Omg, Childe re-run in 2.8 and 2.9 :O
Albedo i wish 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Doesn't a patch always go 6 weeks? That would kind of mean that 3.0 would start way earlier than august 25th
been waiting for hu tao rerun for ages now i joined the game bec of her but her rerun ended when i joined so saving everything for her
I'm just saving for Raiden
I hope don't lose the 50/50
of all the reruns i don't want any, good for me and i hope they release a 5 male cryo (preferably tall
I think somewhere around Scara becoming a weekly boss (and possibly playable) we will also get a Childe rerun…
14k rn saving KAZUHA WİLL BE MİNE
I feel like in 3.2 instead of albedo we will get venti
Im sparing for yae miko and her weapon + eis weapon
I want hu tao😫‼️
I only want raiden I have all I need and I'm really sad I couldn't get it at the time let's just hope her banner comes we are all those with the dream of playing the charecters we like after all I just hope it will get another rerun after the one with yae
well is there a chance that zhongli or Baal will have a 2nd (or 3rd i forgot) rerun by chance,if theres a chance when ? if u like tried to predict it.
Albedo in Version 2.8? This might be a rumor.
Ayato, Raiden, Yae Miko and Eula in Version 3.2? I am waiting for this but I have to keen an eye for the confirmation.