I have a BUNCH of different characters do 2 MILLION DAMAGE as quickly as possible! The event Primo Geovishap has 2 million HP and is the perfect volunteer for this kind of test. Find out which DPS characters did the best!
Aliss’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzIbU29e6aS4O23eKZQjLoQ
0:00 | Intro
0:41 | The Rules
2:12 | Eula
3:19 | Hu Tao
4:04 | Ganyu
5:27 | Klee
6:24 | Childe&Xiangling
7:24 | Diluc
8:50 | Qiqi
10:10 | Xiao
11:33 | Razor
12:55 | Xinyan
13:58 | Ningguang
15:03 | Physical Keqing
16:05 | Electro Keqing
17:12 | Main DPS Zhongli
18:14 | Tazer Childe
Hey everyone, I've seen a lot of comments pointing out some valid concerns. I'll try to address some of them:
Edit: My apologies to the Diluc and Xiao mains who seem to be very upset (if you were just providing constructive feedback, I appreciate it, this is for those that are much more salty). Overlooking Xingqiu's damage was an honest mistake. I've gotten used to not caring about support damage. Moving forward, I will most likely OMIT Diluc/Xiao entirely or spend twice as much time on them over the others in the future. For those complaining about how poorly I played Diluc or whatever, did you notice how poorly Qiqi's run went as well? Did you notice how poorly Hu Tao's run went? I'll do my best to represent Diluc and Xiao better in the future but I put my best foot forward for this challenge and some oversight is to be expected.
1. This video shouldn't be taken as gospel. This is simply one set of sample runs done by me and a couple of my friends. I am not saying "character A is better than character B". In order to make such a conclusion, we would need the entire community to do this and gather large amounts of data. This video does NOT do that.
2. I honestly forgot Xingqiu's damage was important in Diluc's team. Not sure how much time it could've saved, but this is a fair point. My Xingqiu is poorly built. I'm building him now to better represent Diluc in the future.
3. Mr 89's Xiao run probably has the most room to improve. This was just his best attempt with his Xiao in around 30 minutes. Mr 89's Xiao is well built (C6R5 8/12/10 iirc).
4. The event is gone so unfortunately, no more 2 million HP punching bag :(. I'd love to revisit the Diluc run after my Xingqiu is built, but alas.
5. Every run can be improved! Eula's run can be 1 second faster. Hu Tao's can be 1-2 seconds faster. Ganyu's can be 1-2 seconds faster. Admittingly, Diluc, Xiao, and Keqing probably have the most room for improvement.
wtf qiqi beating a C6 xiao guess its time to pull a new dps character
Albedo with freedom sworn –
All pj c6…
Ah yes, every DPS showcase is bound to be full of salty Yaksha tears.
Cats showcase pls
Not fair
This man straight up telling us we're noobs
When I watched the video I couldn't help but read the comments lol a lot say "don't take this comparison video too seriously" or I just see "that Xiao was ass" and "that xingqiu was omega cheeks" lmao 🤣🤣🤣. But I gotta say this video is unfortunate as even in my opinion outside of just genshin impact and video games as a whole I feel like comparisons should always be fair no matter what it is and what is considered the best should really be shown I'm not bothered by the video at all however it was ugly to see how bad some characters performed in terms of "investment". Not trying to be a stick in the mud but If you're going to do comparison videos then you might as well should Invest in the team comps properly or (just like that Xiao run) have someone else who has that character and team fully built do the comparison for you as it looked biased and really ugly for some characters lol. I'm always going to watch these because its humorous to see what happens. Lastly I see comments that mention that they hope that constellations will be toggleable in the future and I hope as well because most people who play genshin are either full F2P or low spenders for Welkin and battle pass only and when constellations can be toggled then that will truly be an amazing change for genshin content for comparison videos and much more and I look forward to that.
Seen a person post the content of this video without context on facebook and people now saying qiqi better than xiao now💀
Juicy Stuff !
Cant wait for part 2
As a triple crowned xiao main this video offends me on a personal level lol. I guess I have to stop taking dps comparisons from here as seriously in future
So what have we learned in this video?
Well, nothing because Ganyu is still the most op character in the game.
That xiao showcase is just bad, so much things that can be improved but people will see this as "xiao isn't as meta as qiqi huhu".
This is what happens when there is no content to be made lmao
I used to rule the world
I use to like qiqi but after losing 50 50 thrice qiqi it's fcked me up as an f2p🙂
Can u try yanfei
Orther DPS: I am best DPS
Ganyu: DPS Ok. Sub Dps Ok. Sp Ok. I am OP
Xiao c0 gw cma pake r1 skyward spine aja setara ama Xiao c6 di video ini🤦♂️. Party Xiao, Sucroce, Zhongli, Bennett
Ok but that qiqi kinda slaps
Tough i still pretty hurt seeing diluc getting half treatment here
I still apreciate your honesty and come clean with us,as for constructive Feedback,i suggest you ask tenha to do the diluc run for you,since his diluc is triple crowned and he genuinely love his diluc,or if you want a much better whale diluc main,there's this guy called Samuel Tan on Facebook,he also have YouTube channel tough i forgot the name,his diluc is stupidly strong and he's the best diluc main Ive ever seen,maybe you can ask him instead for more reliable run