2.6 Characters Meta Tier List | Genshin Impact

In this video i will just rank the current genshin impact characters in a tier list based on their current 2.6 meta and my opinions

Gameplay from : @IonStorm

0:00 Intro
1:02 Tiers
3:50 Characters ranking
26:29 Outro


35 thoughts on “2.6 Characters Meta Tier List | Genshin Impact”

  1. I wouldn't say Ganyu is the best DPS or most broken character. In my opinion having Ganyu and Venti in separate tiers is, in some ways, contradictory.
    Her Freeze teams are tied directly to Venti's value in order to abuse her burst.
    They fall behind Ayaka in a lot of situations, especially vs enemies that can't be grouped.
    Melt Ganyu.. exists. But I'd rather swap Ganyu for Tartaglia and play International instead.

  2. I’d say Yanfei is better than Razor. She definitely has more uses and can be used for more roles than just main DPS. She’s probably one of the most flexible characters in the game, and is often argued that she’s better than Klee. She’s definitely better than Aloy.

  3. I think sayu should be moved up to the middle of good tier since shes basically 4 star version of jean so since they fulfill the same role tho ofc sayu's worse at it

    Yanfei should be bumped up a few spots too since she's debatably as strong as klee

    As for who is move down,
    Razor should be moved to the bottom of good tier or put in the below average tier. He doesnt provide enough damage as a main dps in the endgame imo
    Aloy should be moved down to the below average tier too since she barely provides any utility for her team other than good particle generation and a small attack boost, other than that, she has to fight for a spot with other better cryo sub-dps like kaeya and rosaria
    Qiqi and barbara should be moved down to the below average tier too, they are good healers but you'd definitely want to replace them with characters who buff damage better or provide more utility than just healing
    Of course barbara can hold the ttds and 4pc noblesse but so can any other catalyst user if they wanted to buff damage. Qiqi can use the Tenacity 4pc set but that only boosts attack by a little bit. The clam set does sort of help out with their lack of damage but barbara cant do much dmg with that set unless she's either attacking on field or using her burst. As for qiqi, she can use the set very well…if she has her burst up consistently. Both characters generate no particles so this makes things simply worse for them

  4. Amber is actually not as bad as people think. Like don't get me wrong, she's pretty trash but there is a meta team where she is irreplaceable in, that's Hu Tao VV vape which is the strongest Hu Tao team as far as damage is concerned, the only replacements really is Thoma and he doesn't work as well because he steals vapes from Hu Tao while Amber doesn't while she can also use elegy of the end to buff your Hu Tao

  5. this is why we need the dislike button count , youtube why would you remove it…


    (half of this tier list is just an inaccurate representation of "meta" cuz if anything, raiden is one of THE most used meta units in abyss)

  6. In my opinion, I don't think that Ganyu should be on top of the list, Raiden definitely deserves broken also but yeah sometimes you did contradict yourself in certain situations since Bennett can fit in every team while Ganyu can't. I don't agree with most of this tier list but it is what it is..

  7. kazuha below bennet and xq. literally a walking elemental dmg bonus goblet and venti combined into one below bennet and xq? raiden not broken? hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaaha. bruh. the only three characters that deserve the top spot and you put two of them where?.. the top 5 should be Kazuha, > Raiden > Bennet > Ayaka > XQ

  8. Raiden deserves to be S for someone who literally can just trivial all energy problem plus she has one of the strongest, if not the strongest team in the entire game. She is such a comfort character that very versatile even at C0

    Alot of team that has her just makes the rotation smoother, national and hypercarry (can even compete with all HT and Ganyu team at C0) are her strongest teams but she also able to be the battery for team such eula, itto and Ayato while also dealing crazy damage herself

    Also Ganyu #1? Are you sure you don't stuck in early 2021?

  9. Personally i think Hu Tao is better than Kamisato Ayaka. She does more damage, her ult does more damage, her charged attacks do a lot of damage. Ayaka does a lot of damage with her Skill (30k+) And her burst which does like 30k per hit if you are a whale. If you are a whale then Hu Tao will do 50k dmg+ every charged attack and with her burst at least 700k+. Thats why i think Hu Tao is better than Kamisato Ayaka. This is my opinion.

  10. hu tao is not even close to be above xinaling lol.
    xianling can make most of the teams better without much investment so much so that all national variations have been at the top of the meta since the start, hu tao in a vacum may do more dmg(maybe) but she requires very restrictive team comps, with xinqu-zhongli and maybe even albedo if you really want to have her best team, if you are missing cons on xinque, a zhongli or even her c1, hu tao plummets in value.
    also xianling is more future proof considering corrosion and such mechanics

  11. Very first time I've seen any of your vids and yes, tier list will always be biased because it shows no real way of pleasing every single person no matter how accurate they are. However though, it also stimulates from the fact that people want to play whoever they want without always listening to what the meta says and I support that fully. Waiting for Mihoyoverse to release the most op character in the game, Wagner and his 5 star banner and the tier list that will follow……

  12. The "Niche/Below-Average" should be renamed "I dunno about these" tier.

    Shenha is great even on her own since she makes it so easy to aoe freeze things forever (both her skill and burst help with it), fantastic when paired correctly (better then benette and obviously thats a really good thing, since it frees benny boi). Yunjin is great for any and all normal attacks (eula, yoimiya, fish, etc) and because she's geo you can get the sweet geo resonance to boot (great for yoimiya in particular with a noel or zhongli to help out). Chongyun is part of original national team, forcing cryo dps, etc (he's probably only truly niche one). Sara is just weaker benette (easy to use buffer otherwise), great overall package at higher const, good for getting electro resonance.

    Thoma is not anywhere that high on the tier list as you put him, he doesn't do his job so he's a tier below don't use in the "Cant do his job tier".

    Lisa is below ning in good pre C4, below jean in Very good at C4+ you just dont build her right. Sayu is as good a healer as barbrah, with energy regen (just stick fav claymore on her and give her crit rate), very easy aoe anemo application, very good heals (mine does 4.5k heals per tick) and she does good reactions due to EM investment being good on her (just do lv71, lv90 R5 Fav claymore, lv8 burst, 200%+ ER, 50%+ crit rate, EM clock and Goblet if you don't know how to build her); she's also one of the best utility units since she can dash with out consuming stamina (you also dont need to hold down after the dash triggers unlike regular dashing).

    Amber is in "Good, only for people who know game inside out" tier. If you dont know how to make use of her, she's trash, if you do know, then she can be as strong as Jean/Albedo in correct circumstances.

    Kaeya is in "Only reason not the best f2p badass is because national team is popular" (hence a f2p hyper-carry not needed). He has stupid % values, cryo, cheap, good consts, good burst, good skill, etc. If he was some sort of girl character everyone would simp over kaeya being broken.

    Finally. Gorou is a dog.


    Regarding top tiers. Yes C6 ganyu is the best, but C0 is far far below that. When you hear your favorite streamer talk about ganyu being OP they mean C6 ganyu with R5 amos and stupid investment in artifacts (whale level resin thrown at it).

    In terms of resin needed, easy of use at all consts and all that, Ayaka and HT in no particular order are the strongest. Xiao is also up there, he's just unlucky in a lot of abyss since he doesn't get favorable circumstances. That said taking into account full package, not just damage potential, Raiden is the top of broken tier.


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