14 Features we DESPERATELY NEED in Genshin Impact!

Another year of Genshin Impact, another year of requesting some much desired features! I want this video to provide some constructive feedback to Mihoyo in the small chance they end up seeing it. Let me know what features you agree with or disagree with and what features you’d like to see as well. I go over Quality of Life changes for artifacts, characters, the map, and more.

0:00 | Intro
0:36 | Map Changes
4:22 | Constellations and Artifacts
10:46 | Misc


31 thoughts on “14 Features we DESPERATELY NEED in Genshin Impact!”

  1. Imo give more primo per daily commissions so we can at least do 1 little wish per day just with that. And also we got Chinese new year to get a 4star from Liyue so it would be great to get this kind of event for every regions. Genshin brings Hoyo billions every year so a very little more F2P friendly experience would be top notch. 5stars units are still the stars of the game that everybody grind for n 4stars are less neglected cuz you get constellations easier.

    With that give us a way to convert bosses materials into other bosses materials, we all have useless B materials we dont use cuz we didn't lvl 90 a unit or we were bored and did a boss or just we pre-farmed a boss for a unit that we wanted but missed (for exp I am farming the boss materials for Hu tao right now but if I miss my 50/50 I wont have time to get her and I wasted hundreds of resins that I wont be able to use for months or maybe a whole year if she takes her time to come back) Also if you didn't finish the story yet and pull for a modern unit you wont be able to use it cuz you cant farm its boss material (new players who gonna pull for Alhaitham cuz he looks cool n everybody is hyping up dendro units but they barely finished Mondstadt are F up for weeks or longer cuz they dont wanna rush Sumeru just to play a unit they grinded/paid for) With the conversion system they could farm the bosses in any region and change their rewards for others you didn't reach yet so you can use your brand new unit while doing Liyue story without prob. (to avoid ppl dodging bosses lets say you can only get 1 item for 2 items sacrificed and since the boss itself can give you up to 3 items sometimes ppl who unlocked it will still go for it as their first option)

  2. Underground map; exploring the desert area was an absolute pain bc I kept getting lost every 5 minutes. The artifacts' layout is a must, atp. Having to manually change builds is just ridiculous.

  3. Havent watched the video but idk if you mentioned,one thing that i want is the feature to put whatever music of the game you like on the abyss,from region theme,to battle theme,or even boss fight theme,not necessary but it would be a great implementation,im tired of that abyss song

  4. oh the idea for a free constellation is so good, the majority of people are spending on new characters, not the ones they already have, and they might even get people to roll more because it would make C2 more accessible (e.g. Raiden)

  5. Regarding the artifact RNG I had my own idea. Hoyoverse actually solved this already in another aspect of the game: Weekly boss drops.
    What happened? People were getting tired that it takes weeks/months to farm up the weekly boss mats because of RNG so they introduced Dream Solvent. An item that you have a chance to get at every weekly boss fight and then use it to ease the pain basically.

    So here is the suggestion: Introduce a new item (lets call it "Artifact Dream Solvent" or ADS) and make it so that whenever we do ANY domain run we have a chance to get one of these.
    Then we can use these items at the crafting table to REROLL the substats of a selected artifact.

    I think this would be the perfect middle ground as it would still make endgame artifact grinding worth it, since if nothing else, you can grind for ADS…

  6. In regard to artifact loadout, I don't think "character losing the artifact equipped" due to another character equipping it to their loadout is a good idea. It kinda defeats the purpose of the "reusability" aspect. Instead I think it should be a lodout system where multiple characters can equip the same pieces. The only way for a character to lose the link to the artifact if the artifact is lost/destroyed or manually unequipped. We are in desperate need for loadout 😢

  7. All these suggestions are really good and would be very helpful, but in my opinion, tbh, never gonna happen. Mihoyo doesn't give a damn about what the community wants, well, maybe the CN community, but the rest of us they simply ignore.

    I am part of those who think GI could be a much more fun and complete game if they added more end game content and life quality improvements but I made my peace with this game, I know this will never happen and GI will be like this till the end of its life. It's a shame to me, but it is what it is.

  8. Wish we can "pin" items we're interested in farming so I'm reminded when they are available on certain days. It'd be even better if that pinning feature is linked to hoyolab notification system as well.

    Also wish if item pinning is doable from the character ascension menu where you can see the character's required mats. So you can pin the item in relationship to the character and how many you need in order to ascend them, and you can keep track of those based on the characters.

  9. 2:00 I'd say we don't really need more map pins.
    I thought we need more, but… over time I just learned to remove the ones I haven't been using for a loooong while. Including mining locations. I've been running them so many times that I can find most of them without pins already. -_- And as for specialities, you never need to keep farming them forever. Get enough for a 2-3 characters and that's usually it. After that you may throw them away.
    If we asking for more map pins we should be asking for pin layers with ability to import and export such layers instead. This way you'll be able to only show layer which you need at the moment and hide everything else. And would you need a good list of pins you can just go and download one made by community or made something yourself and share it with the community.
    Actually, simple ability to import and export them even without layers would be quite enough.

  10. For the oculi problem, as I go around the map, randomly collecting oculi along the way, I actually mark each and every one I collect using pins so I know which ones I’ve found.
    And when I feel like collecting all the oculi, I just mark the ones I’ve collected on the interactive map.
    The problem with that method is if you use a lot of pins for other purposes, but I usually avoid getting any oculi until I start earnestly collecting them so I don’t use too many pins

  11. In conjunction with the artifact juice.. Let us "Mark as trash" in the same way we can lock an artifact as soon as we get it. 99.9% of artifacts are trash, and marking as trash could let us quickly convert all trash to juice and/or auto add as food into other artifacts (the way lower ranks are auto-added for consumption). This is actually THE ONLY feature I desperately need in Genshin. Everything else is optional.

  12. i want some more insentive to do the hangout events. preferably 1 constellation or maybe a unrefinable 4* weapon (kinda like the kagotsorube isshin you got from kazuha quest) for the character in question

  13. Omg I wish we could get old event things
    The amount of pain I feel for having missed cinnabar spindle for Albedo which they even put on him in his trial showing even mihoyo knows it’s his best in slot and there is no way to get it anymore. Please I beg beg beg for a way to get former stuff like that. And yes less artifact rng it’s so painful and I do so little artifact farming because I have the worlds worst rng

  14. The fact we have more weapon space than Artifact space is hilarious… Whether you're an F2P or WHALE we are all copium farming for artifacts because of the gatcha RNG. Yes Mihoyo you can increase the limit to 2000 after 2 years.


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