1.4 Dating Sim is Boring | Good NEWS! Windblume Minigame Festival in 2 Days! | Genshin Impact

Why 1.4 Dating Sim Isn’t 10/10?
Beidou isn’t a datable character

0:00 – Intro
1:09 – Dating Sim Reaction
11:04 – Why I’m so disappointed

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34 thoughts on “1.4 Dating Sim is Boring | Good NEWS! Windblume Minigame Festival in 2 Days! | Genshin Impact”

  1. I literally can't understand what were you expecting from dating system. It was promoted as some kind of visual novel… and yeah you need clicking through the text in such kind of games. I mean, that's basically Confidant system from Persona series, free time events from Danganronpa and e.t.c

    Ofc if you are playing on japanese without knowing language and without paying attention to the text, it will be borring for sure, but what did you expected with that attitude?

    I am talking right now only about hangout quests not about patch itself. The main event 2 days after 1.4 release? That's weird, Mihoyo…. But giving such "criticism" is just unhealthy. Look at the chimps in the chat, they are shitting on the content because streamer said so and after that this guys criticise Mihoyo for reasons which is stupid like the ones in the video

  2. Hello, I like your video very much, but this time I'm very disappointed in you, I think it is unfair, because you skip all the plots and say that this event is not good is boring. The most important thing of this event is the plots, just like other people are talking to you, and you don't listen, you say that other people are not good. There's no reason at all. You don't have patience, that only means you are not suitable for this event, not means this event is bad. About 1.4, the official said the festival start at 19th. I don't know how many people think 1.4 is very bad without reading the official announcement. Even there are some brainless people in the comments, um…

  3. I actually had fun with the hangout event with Bennett lol. I bring him everywhere I go and it's fun interacting and seeing how sweet he is despite all his bad luck. But I understand it's not really for everyone. Although I feel like your frustration partly because you have to re-do everything from the beginning when actually you can re-do it from a certain point haha

  4. it's true though they hype up the update & when you're done you have to actually wait 2 days for the actual content. & then there's resin.. honestly i hate how they do things. i love it too & want it to improve because it has a lot of potential. there's no other game like it!

  5. Can someone explain why they don't give us all the content? I think it kills the excitement personally. They give you like a fetch quest a day call it an event. Everything feels like a daily lol

  6. "why I'm so disappointed" reason i talk to twitch streamer and they said boring, I go to twitch stream no new content, the game is boring bruhhhhhhh cringeeeeee, give a new fresh reason dumbass in the end this guy never said why he disappointed instead he talk about other people being disappointed making it looks like he's not alone. The game itself is a boring hardcore RPG where you need to farm something and craft if yourself. The very fact you become a slave zombie itself is boring

  7. I love the idea to be able to hangout with the characters but I have a problem with how the event work. I’m a student, so I don’t have time to actually kept on repeating the same character’s hangout just to get different ending and rewards, plus the rewards (in my opinion) are not worthy of the time that we’ve spend for the hangout event. It gets really tedious when I kept on replaying the part of story that I have gone through. A character at least have 5 alternative endings and I don’t have time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the story plot (tho some of them are quite bland) but I was unhappy for the fact that I need to go through the same story just to get different routes. Not worthy for my time tbh. And this is just my opinion. Don’t attack me, I’m soft ;-;

  8. Frick you seka.
    I love you man, i think your content is great, but this video is bs.
    Videos like these make feel you dont care about genshin or the characters.
    "Lets give it a try" skips everything, at the other side envy makes a great video about how sad bennetts story is.
    1:36 dude why ;(

  9. The problem is that the festival hadn't started yet, which is more of a timing issue than anything else. I think at the end of 1.4 we would be satisfied. While I get wanting to do things on release of the patch, it's a Tuesday, so I am not even bothered by that, but I get that from the point of view of a content creator that hasn't had anything new to show for some time in wait for the new content.
    The dating sim itself is actually pretty good with multiple endings, lots of rewards, including AR exp, diverse content, etc. The AR exp is a big thing, because there's an AR exp gap before you hit 40 and this content fills some of it.
    Also, had a laugh when Seka didn't solve the puzzle after the clue about number of torches not being the right clue.

    PS: I bet you if the dating sim characters were Mona/Jean, Lisa, Diluc and Xiao, there would be a lot less complaints. I can imagine the kind of innuendo references Lisa would be making or the tsundare Xiao dialogue. I am sure they will add more characters eventually.

  10. I think they are doing a good job, I rather have the events more spread out so we don’t have to wait and do nothing later. I enjoyed the hang out events. Although, it would’ve been nice to have the windblume event at the start of the patch and the hang out events later.

  11. all i want is the god damn archon story updates the rest can go to hell. frankly been dissapointed in general with this one the world level decrease mechanic is not what i excpected it to be i was thinking i will be given full control over it but instead i can only decrease it by 1 and be stuck like that for 24h wich is god damn useless because rewards are shit and theres not really a diffrence when it comes to enemies strengh i was hoping i would get a silder to lower it even to lvl 1 because i got plenty of chars hard stuck at 20 and it would be nice to play with them and build them at the same time at your pace
    and honestly it felt underwemling for me in the hagnout having to go through those bloody checkpoints to obtain the six endings for a lousy 40 primogems
    for the windblume…lantern rite was just better because they gave you free 4* char and ye the mechanika was fun even if you just stood there doing nothing
    and of course the ff*king resin the main resin that now i barely even log in for 10 minutes the soon i see that resin i get disgusted i have multiple chars and shit that needs domains that are open at the same day you level something the others be damned till the next few days ot week even

  12. this would have made much more sense.. if you actually got to know those character EVEN JUST A BIT before.
    Except barbara, this dating event is like:

    Here is a few random npc, which you will have to date for no reasons, since you never met them before.
    The idea is just dumb beyond reason.
    I like chongyun for example, as a character but when i did his quest i was like.. humm ok this is awkardly full of feelings and things you would do with a person you know from long, not with a guy who you just met and for some reason you seems to be best buddies from the get to go. Its just made very badly :/

    8 giga patch for people who maybe like me , have a tot of giga you can use monthly, and all we got is talk to a few npc, and some fun minigames, which are cool and all but 8 giga patch? :7


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