0.0069 Second After Getting Nilou Skin in Genshin Impact
In version 4.8 Nilou’s Breeze of Sabaa Outfit is available
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Nilou looks like she is about to marry Aether
Wow that burst at the end was beautiful
is her skin worth to buy?
my fav skin in genshin right now
15 minutes after seeing Mockermay's video:
I was on this stream
Me watching this: "I should buy it too" then realizing I don't even have nilou.
Literally the best genshin skin "ad"

Ngl it's GORGEOUS.. only if i used nilou more often
My stance is mihoyo can never be a greedy company, esp compared to literally everyone else, because despite everything there is a SEVERE lack of monetization on their skins
I mean, the amount of buck they could make incorporating more 5 star skins in the game is unreal
it would literally kill us
I just pull for gets kaveh is the only 4 character i dont have and them i get nilou on early 20 x.x with kaveh
nilou worth??
I only want build pity
Ayaka my sister .
Si soy
You have the best videos
"Wanna play a clapping game?"
She look divine
Now this looks like a 5 star skin unlike someone's 5 star outfit
The 3 horsemen of the Traveler simps finally have skins
i didn't know genshin made ads for skins
Rip my bank account
кто нибудь расскажите ему про моды
She looked like Cinderella who lost both her shoes
That color scheme looks a LOT like Senadinas
2:24 omg it’s twixtor? what about settings? o.o
i prefer her default
Ayaka's wet socks can't relate
Luckily I'm out of this game
I got nilou the first time she came out she was my first five star

I got nilou the first time she came out she was my first five star

Wait where is that station from the last part of video
I didn’t like the skin, looks like a standard banner character skin