Why I don't follow leaks | Genshin Impact

#shorts #genshinimpact #hoyocreators

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13 thoughts on “Why I don't follow leaks | Genshin Impact”

  1. You really tricked meπŸ’€
    γ€€ γ€€γ€€γ€€
    7m γ€€ Reply γ€€ γ€€ γ€€ γ€€ γ€€ γ€€ γ€€ β™‘ 2.1k
    πŸͺ© dico club

  2. For me , leaks helped me decide on upcoming characters. Even if they werent released for another year…. Like wriothesley . I had saved up my primos for the day in the future. Ive been able to get over my gambling addiction by prioritizing favorite units… Instead of impulsively pulling on every banner and then shelving characters i dont use….πŸ˜… Like My c5 itto in the closet. Because on his first release i couldnt even get to watatsumi island for his materials. By the time i had leveled up… Lots More characters had come out and i had already designed teams without him. I learned my lesson the hardway.

  3. This is very true and I’m happy that Shaoji, one of the head writers at Hyv, addressed this during the 2.1 livestream. From a devs perspective, it’s rude and just a slap to the face of all the hard work they poured in the story only for leakers to post it online. From that, A LOT of effects will ripple out causing so much shit and damage to the game, the community, and the devs overall.


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