Trying to Get Nahida – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time (Blind) – Part 16

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38 thoughts on “Trying to Get Nahida – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time (Blind) – Part 16”

  1. I am reading through all of the comments and I am sorry for only focusing on comments that are telling me I am wrong lol I have a very lovely community behind me and reading every comment is either cheering me up in the current times, making me laugh (like actually belly laughing) some even making me tear up a little. I am only gonna focus on the good from now on because there so much of it in these comments. AND A LOT Of people being very helpful.

  2. Play characters based on who you like and how they play rather than how good the comments may say one or another character are! Genshin is not dark souls, you aren't punished for not using "better" characters, but forcing yourself to play one character or another just because of some comments will tire you in the long run

  3. As Nahida description suggest she works well with Pyro, Hydro and Electro character. Use her E skill first then go in with either electro, hydro or pyro
    Shes also really good at resource gathering
    Also Faruzan is good at hunting birds if you need more Fowl.

    Also a tip: leveling up your artifacts and weapon help increase your team survivability better. I noticed you switch character but forgot to level up their artifacts. Elemental Mastery artifact on Nahida makes burning and other reaction do more damage. Also you use nahida really well for someone who just got her. Way better than I did when I first got nahida.

    As for going to Liyue. You can go to Liyue anytime. The AR locks the Archon Quest story not the map. You can explore Liyue but you wont trigger the Archon Quest in Liyue until that AR. Same goes for Fontaine and all the other regions.
    Only place locked is Inazuma as you need to finish the Liyue Archon Quest to be able to go there.

    Also once again I love your videos always looking forward to it every week.
    Dont worry about the haters there will always be haters just do what you love and have fun playing the game

  4. Honestly, I think the main thing people enjoy about Lantern Writ festival is seeing characters they already know in a new setting. So I think you wouldn't get the enjoyment out of it that you would if you'd already gotten further in the story.

  5. **
    1. The archon quest IS open to you already actually. It’s just that a lantern event mission is interfering. If you do that part then the main quest will be available. Certain characters are stuck in that event mission. You can also just wait 10 days for the event to go away and then do it.

    2. When you get a duplicate character it actually gives you a β€˜constellation’ for that character. Every character has up to 6 constellations. They improve some of their talents and give them more power. Go to the characters screen and then to the constellation section and upgrade them.

    3. How many Calvin’s does it takes to active a waypoint lol

  6. I like how you play this game.. love the discussion.. even the slow pace but I do has something that puts me off personally.. and it's you not doing what you say you are going to be doing. This happens a lot .. for example you say this comment said.. do this, I'm gonna do this, but you never end doing the thing or it takes you 2 episodes to do it. Now this wouldn't be a problem usually… But then you do this thing where you mention that you are gonna do the thing like 10 times in a row and still not do it. Also personally it also puts me off that you say – hey guys we are going to liyue harbour today.. and the you don't.. i mean I don't mind you exploring and doing quests but can you atleast do what you say… Sorry, this might come off as rude i just want that you do the thing you say you will at least by the end of the video.. i mean it's usually a 2 hour video and I'm not a video skimmer so it just feels like nothing was achieved, even though that's wrong, you did quests, challenges, commisions, a lot was achieved.. but still the thing that you said you will do is yet to be done. It gives the vibe of watch part 2 for the results videos, everyone knows how annoying those are, and i know that's not ur intentions but I might just stop watching, especially since if I'm going to be watching a video for 2 hours only for it to not do what you say you would. Like if you started by saying.. hey guys today we will explore liyue harbour.. do some challenge etc then this wouldn't be so upsetting, I know what I'm getting into,

    This is stupid, I feel bad, but I can't tell you how to play. Or to change how you play… All I'm asking you to is to do what you say you will. Sorry for being rude.

  7. So those fatui enemies with hyper armor have elemental shields. The guy with the gun is specifically pyro, so that made three of your characters practically useless for taking down the shield. For their pyro shields, hydro is the best element to put them into a weakened state, otherwise you may find yourself doing reduced damage against their strong form like you did here. In the overworld they're annoying since you don't want to change your team all the time just for some enemies, but if you can plan for them and bring the right elements they aren't bad at all

  8. Fatui elemental shield explained

    Some fatui will activate their elemental shield after a short time of triggering their agro.
    To get rid of the shield you need to use spesific elemental attacks to damage to shield. Other elements than the spesific one will do a lot less damage to the shield.
    After breaking the shield, fatui will get stunned for a while and it is perfect time to deal big damage to defeat them.

    The spesific elements to use to each shield:

    geo shield breaks from geo damage and heavy attacks like claymore weapons and explosions.
    electro shield breaks from cryo damage
    cryo shield breaks from pyro damage
    pyro shield breaks from hydro damage
    hydro shield breaks from electro damage but cryo also freezes them which makes it also very useful element against them.

    I hope this helps and sorry if there is any typos, english is not my first language and I also have dyslexia…
    And i really love watching you play genshin, I have played the game since it's release so seeing new players experience the game for the first time brings me a lot of joy and makes me feel nostangic. I remember being afraid to fight of ruin Guards and fatui when I was playing genshin for the first time

  9. Those guys with "hyperarmor" can be easily dealt with if you use proper elements against them… πŸ˜‚

    Hydro against Pyro ( orange) armor…
    Cryo against electro (purple) armor…
    Funny enough Geo works against Geo…

  10. Oh, just so you know, every 5 star has their own weapon you can get from the banners. Nahida's is there too right now if you wanna match her with her weapon, and it'll fit best with her. (Not to mention fitting with her design)

  11. Nahida works best when paired with Electro and Hydro characters btw
    (Much better if hydro+electro together)
    So change geo traveller and gaming from the team when you want to
    (You can use nahida's skill to collect plants too just tag the plants using nahida's hold skill!)

  12. U can claim lynette now. it is showing noti coz u still haven't claim her yet. Also u can do a domain where it teaches you about elemental reactions n also give u rewards for completing them. The domain is near Dadaupa Gorge and Falcon Coast. The one u often teleport when there is a comission near it.

  13. A nice place to look at for extra info about a character is the official channel's 'Collected Miscellany'. There is one for just about every character in the game.
    You can think of those videos as 'How To Plays'. They also talk about small passives and team synergies.

    It fully explains Nahida's skillset in a clear way, and even has small non-spoilery lore tidbits.

  14. I actually think it's a good choice not to do the lantern rite event this year. If he did, he would've already been spoiled about a lot of the characters that he is yet to meet, especially the Liyue and Fontaine Archon Quests. I honestly think that if he plays it, it'd just water down his experience when he actually meets the characters involved in lantern rite as opposed to the main quests. It's very respectable, and I hope no one spoils you on the main quests! And I hope we see you in next year's Lantern Rite!

  15. 2:12:01
    "Some enemies are just annoying"
    Yeah, but those are pretty easy to make not so annoying. See second healthbar they have? That's their shield. When you deplete that, they have a normal healthbar. It's easy to deplete the shields. All you have to do is just attack them with an element that reacts to the shields the most.
    For Pyro Shields: Use Hydro
    For Hydro Shields: Use Cryo
    For Electro Shields: Use Cryo
    For Geo Shields: Use… physical attacks. lol

  16. you are not wrong, you are playing and discovering what this game has to offer in your own pace, you are not spoiling anything to your self..
    the advices I can give you is: level artefacts, level talents, they change a lot about stats of a character and usually you can read on elemental skill of character what one is scaling from; for example: Bennett scales from HP and if you want him to heal your party he needs a lot of it , Nahida scales from elemental mastery, etc, and you need to give them artefacts that are giving them most of what they need to make them better..
    if the enemy is pyro your pyro characters are not doing dmg to them, and one of those fatui is healing other two, so as soon as you see what element they are you should change your team accordingly..
    and the events are not replayable, so if your missing one, you will never be able to play it again, and story within is lost for you as playable content (you should play for example lantern rite as they give a lot of character/s lore in them)

  17. HI Calvin I hope you keep having fun with the game.

    I want to say you're completely valid being frustrated by the annoying guys you fought at the end because god they annoyed me something fierce. Now I think they're sort of made to remind you about team optimization, because they literally have only one weakness to their shield. gunner guy is super weak to water, hammer guy to ice, big water gun guy to electro and big ice gunner to fire, the other two just need brute force.
    They showed up in the high level areas in Mondstadt and in the early game your team will mostly consist of members that can handle them, Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Barbara and the traveler can swirl an element they're weak to and damage them like that.
    Doesn't change the fact they're super annoying, but picking them correct team members before entering battle helps a ton.

    I think the only tip I have is to try the element trials (tutorials) in mondstadt, it's in that dungeon on the cape, if you want, I just know I would have liked to get a good feel for what element combos did what when I started playing.

    Lastly I think it's fantastic you're ignoring the people who are urging you to go faster, I think you're playing just about how the developers intended for players to play, with the urge to explore and taking on quests as they come up, vaguely following the progression of the main story. They put the quests on the way so you can get to explore more.

  18. Because you really like razor, bennett and now have nahida I will warn you of something, for nahida to level up you need materials dropped by fungi but fungi have this mechanic where if you hit them with pyro or electro they will drop special material while nahida needs the normal material πŸ™‚

  19. i wanted to make a comment to remind you again that its ok to make mistakes and learn the game on video. it feels like you get anxious sometimes about making mistakes and some comments make it even harder. but you have already learned a lot and are improving a lot. this game can be a VERY complicated and the way its written feels like its a riddle. (looking at nahida talent description) So don't worry about making mistakes and learning slowly. if you require explanation for anything, there will be plenty of helpful comments here.

    ps: have you tried the trial for the other 5star lady? or any reason why you haven't? maybe you dont want to get spoiled or something?

  20. ‏think it would be better if you finish your archon quests early so not to waste the next events and limited prizes.

    You have all the time to complete your world 100% later, of course if you want,
    having fun playing is the most important thing.

    Congratulations on getting nahida πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  21. I'm the opposite of you when it comes to a handful of character designs in Genshin it seems lol. Completely fine of course. Just not a big fan of how Benny is designed, and I love Nahida's design. To be fair, I also know all the lore relevancies and stuff. So, your mind might change as time goes on. Cheers for the video again, and congrats on getting Nahida.


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